满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

____ smart the driverless car is! I real...

____ smart the driverless car is! I really want to have one.

A.What B.What a C.What an D.How


D 【解析】 句意:无人驾驶汽车多智能啊!我真的想买一辆。根据感叹句结构What +(a/an) + 形容词+名词(+主语+谓语+其他)+! How +形容词/副词(+主语+谓语+其他)+!smart智能的(形容词),the driverless car 主语,is系动词;故选D。

  疫情结束后,很多学校要求学生在校期间必须佩戴口罩(wear masks)。对此,有的学生认为这是为了保护大家的健康安全,应该长期坚持;也有的同学认为这是小题大做,浪费资源(a waste of source)。对此,你有什么看法? 请根据提示陈述以上事实并说明个人观点。

注意:1. 不少于 100 词。2. 不得出现真实校名和姓名。




    Do you remember what your dream job was when you were a kid? If you want to be a superhero, your dream may never come true. However, there are a number of other jobs you can do! 1.Kids want these jobs because of the interest, the fame, the money and so on. Here are the top 5 kids’ dream jobs in America.


2.They go to bed dreaming of exploring space, walking on the moon, living in a space station and wearing a spacesuit. So there is no doubt that the astronauts are their future dream jobs. But to be an astronaut needs to have a high level of physical fitness and all kinds of training.

Astronaut salary: $ 66,026~$ 144,566 / year


Many kids dream of becoming a teacher because they have a good childhood memory at school.

They used to enjoy school life and help others in school.3.

Teacher salary: $ 28,790~$ 58,030 / year


Kids who love pets and animals hope to be a vet from a very young age. Because they know that vets can treat sick animals and help the animals that they love. Vets must complete four years of school to receive a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM or VMD). They also need a state license.

Vet salary: $ 88,770 / year


Becoming a doctor is one of the most common childhood dream jobs. Kids see doctors as superheroes.  4.Doctors need not only 4 years of college, but also 4 years of medical school.

Doctor salary: $ 208,000 / year

Police Officer

Kids often dream of becoming police officers, like their favorite superheroes. Police officers always fight against bad people and help the people in trouble. 5.In order to become a policeman, they must graduate from their agency’s training program.

Police officer salary: $ 61,600 / year

A.These jobs interest kids greatly.

B.Children admire them because they are very brave.

C.As soon as people see doctors, they feel afraid and nervous.

D.Many kids want to be astronauts when they grow up.

E.If you want to be a teacher, you should get a teacher license first.

F.They save many people’s lives and keep people healthy.

G.Some children think Santa Claus is their dream job in the future.




Everyone must take his _______ and write down his personal _______ before getting into a public place, such as a supermarket or a restaurant.




Comparing with other countries, China has _______ _______the great power dealing with the COVID-19.




Mountain climbers are used to ________ _________, because they enjoy it.



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