满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I was in the 1. (five) grade, I was...

    When I was in the 1. (five) grade, I was picked to be the princess ( 公主) in the school play.

For weeks my mother helped me practice my sentences. But once during a performance, every word disappeared from my head. So my teacher asked me to change the roles and be the narrator(解说). 2.I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she felt my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公英)coming out 3.(穿过)the grass, just like a painter had touched our woods and fields with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by some flowers. “I think I am going to dig up all the wild grass,” she said. “But I like dandelions, all flowers are beautiful—even dandelions!”

I said. My mother look at me 4.(serious) . “Yes, every flower shines in 5. (it) own way. And that is true for people, too,” she said. She had guessed my pain I started to cry and told her the6.(true). “You will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how 7.I loved to read stories aloud to her. I felt much 8.(good) than before.

Over the next few weeks, I learned to take9. in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes10. the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you.,” she said, handing me a dandelion, After the play, I took the flower home, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such wild grass.


1.fifth 2.Though 3.through 4.seriously 5.its 6.truth 7.much 8.better 9.pride 10.before 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是作者在一次学校演出的准备过程中,因台词记不熟而被调换角色,因此情绪低落。在陪同妈妈散步时,作者看到蒲公英虽平凡但是有独特之处,由此激发作者积极向上的心态。 1.句意:当我在五年级时,我被选为出演学校话剧中的公主。根据定冠词the和单数名词grade可知此处用序数词,表示顺序,five的序数词是fifth,故填fifth。   2.句意:虽然我没有告诉妈妈那天发生了什么,但是她感觉到了我的不开心,问我是否想在院子里散散步。结合语境可知,前后句之间的句意上是“虽然……但是……”的让步关系,属于though引导的让步状语从句,句首首字母大写,故填Though。 3.句意:我们穿过草地看到蒲公英出现了,就像一个画家用点点金色触动了我们的树林和田野。根据“the grass”并结合语境可知,此处是从内部穿过草地,through表示“从……内部穿过”故填through。   4.句意:我妈妈认真地看着我。此处需要副词修饰动词短语look at,serious的副词是seriously,故填seriously。 5.句意:是的,每朵花都在以它自己的方式闪耀。此处需要形容词作定语修饰way,形容词性物主代词在句子中可起到形容词的作用,it的形容词性物主代词是its,故填its。 6.句意:她已经猜到了我的痛苦,我哭了起来,告诉了她实情。此处需要名词作动词told的宾语,true的名词是truth,不可数名词,故填truth。 7.句意:她还提醒我,我是多么喜欢大声给她读故事。结合语境,此处指的是喜爱的程度,对程度提问,用how much,故填much。 8.句意:我感觉比以前好多了。much是比较级的修饰词,than是标志词,good的比较级是better,形容词作表语,故填better。 9.句意:接下来的几个星期,我学会了以这个角色为荣。结合语境可知,妈妈用蒲公英激励我并告诉我每个人都会以自己的方式闪耀,由此推断,此处表示的是我学会了以这个角色为傲,take pride in“以……为傲”,固定短语,故填pride。 10.句意:演出前几分钟,我的老师向我走来。根据下文“After the play”可推断,此处指的是演出前几分钟,before“在……之前”,故填before。

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