满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Every person leaves a footprint. That’s ...



Every person leaves a footprint. That’s what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago.People pay restaurant bills with their bank card,check into hotels or travel around. In every case,they leave a trace.And because of this,I’m able to track them down even when they don’t want to be found.

The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighborhood where he used to live.It’s human nature to tell stories—which is why neighbors will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.Sometimes,someone even talks about his friend’s dishonesty.Then I produce a pattern of my subject’s life:if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy,if he prefers two- or three- star hotels and where he might hide his assets(资产).When I’ve got this life pattern,I start my research.

Nine times out of l0,I find the people I’m looking for.I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor(分包商).The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier.I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son,who founded a new company offering the same product.It was all done within the law.There was no money to be got from that operation.

However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn’t be back for a while.It didn’t take me long to find out that the father wasn’t in Spain.

I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might be in Bulgaria, and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area.He was 1iving in a big house on a 1arge piece of land he had bought for£400,000.This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was looking for.

1.We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who_______.

A. follows people reports on what they do     

B. helps people start businesses

C. gives advice to people about the law       

D. settles arguments between companies

2.Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

A. To find out his hidden assets.           

B. To gather information about him.

C. To discover why he is dishonest.         

D. To find out where he spends his holiday.

3.The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in order to______.

A. pass on his debt to his son               

B. double the business of his company

C. let this son take over his lorry business     

D. prevent paying back the money he owed

4.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might______.

A. bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son    B. give up hope of settling the debt

C. sell the big house in Bulgaria                  D. get his money back


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 


Just listen

    I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our  1, and especially if it’s given from the  2. When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but  3them. Just take them   4. Listen to what they’re saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than  5it.

One of my patients told me that when she  6to tell her story, people often  7to tell her that they had once had something just like that happen to her. Subtly her pain became a story about themselves.  8she stopped talking to most people. It was just too  9. We connect through listening. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the  10of attention to ourselves. But when we listen, they know we care.

I have ever learned to  11to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the tissues(纸巾)  12I realized that passing a person a tissue may be just another way to shut them  13, to take them out of their  14of sadness and pain. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there  15them.

  This  16thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been  17since I was very young at school. I thought people listened only because they were too  18to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more  19to connect than the most well-intentioned  20.

1.A.introduction     B.instruction    C.attention      D.relaxation

2.A.head             B.memory         C.mind           D.heart

3.A.talk to          B.listen to      C.object to      D.stick to

4.A.in               B.up             C.off            D.away

5.A.denying          B.remembering    C.questioning    D.understanding

6.A.managed          B.tried          C.hoped          D.expected

7.A.encouraged       B.interrupted    C.discouraged    D.urged

8.A.Eventually       B.Immediately    C.Completely     D.Especially

9.A.impolite         B.meaningless    C.lonely         D.selfish

10.A.middle          B.focus          C.center         D.choice

11.A.respond         B.compare        C.link           D.regret

12.A.unless          B.if             C.until          D.when

13.A.down            B.away           C.in             D.off

14.A.experiment      B.mixture        C.judgment       D.experience

15.A.with            B.against        C.for            D.among

16.A.complex         B.simple         C.complicated    D.single

17.A.mentioned       B.published      C.taught         D.proved

18.A.shy             B.greedy         C.active         D.proud

19.A.strength        B.energy         C.power          D.force

20.A.gestures        B.praise         C.criticism      D.words




 We had thought Carla would say a lot about her job interview, but she _____ it.

    A. doesn’t mention           B. didn’t mention   

 C. hasn’t mentioned              D. hadn’t mentioned



 _____ in gardening and volunteering work, Mrs. Black leads a busy and rich life at her old age.

    A. Employing      B. Employed        C. To employ           D. Being employed



 —Excuse me, do you have the time?


A. Yes, I do  B. Of course, I have   C. A quarter to ten    D. No problem



 It even leaves the scientists in wonder _____ they should call the newly-born

creature, which looks half-human and half-animal.

A. that            B. why                C. what            D. how



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