满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As time went by, the plan I stuck ____ ...

 As time went by, the plan I stuck ____ fairly practical.

A. to proved        B. to proving         C. proved             D. to be proved



 —The weather is too cold ____ November this year.

   —It was even ____ when I came here years ago.

  A. for; colder        B. in; cold           C. in; hot              D. for; hotter



 —Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?

    —News about the tsunami striking her country ____ an attack of homesickness.

A. set up           B. set out           C. set about            D. set off



 On May 12,2008, a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan, _____ the people are suffering.

A. from their effects                 B. of which effects 

C. of its effects                     D. from whose effects



 —Tommy, what’s wrong with your pen again? There is little time left.

— The ink ______ come out.

A. doesn’t              B. won’t                    C. hasn’t                     D. can’t



 Education is a lifelong process, ____ process that starts long before _____ start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life.

A. a; a          B. a; the           C. the; a             D. the; the



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