满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Is there ____ to help you? A. anything ...

 Is there ____ to help you?

A. anything we can do                    B. something can do

C. anything which we can do              D. nothing we can't do



 It is only when you nearly lose someone ____________ you fully realize how much you value him.

A. do            B. then                 C. will              D. that



 He has written several books, but his last works _____ well known among his friends.

A. have          B. have been            C. is                D. are



 --When can you get my car repaired? I need it tomorrow morning.

--It ______ be ready by 8:00.

    A. can     B. need                 C. might             D. should



 --How do you deal with the disagreement between the shop and the customers? www.7caiedu.cn

--The key _______the problem is to meet the demand ________by the customers.

A. to solving; made                      B. to solving; making

C. to solve; made                        D. to solve; making



 South China tiger is on top of the list of _______world's most seriously endangered animals.

A. /             B. the                  C. a                 D. an



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