满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-- Shall I hold the bandage with tape? ...

 -- Shall I hold the bandage with tape? 

-- Yes, but you put butter, oil or ointment on burns as they may cause infection.

A. in the place, needn’t              B. in place, mustn’t

C. in the place, can’t                                     D. in place, oughtn’t



 It has been announced that candidates _____ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can               B. will            C. may               D. shall



 Harry has been reading all day —he ______ be tired.

A. should            B. has got to      C. has to            D. must



 --______ he use your bike?

--Certainly. Here is the key.

A. Shall             B. Must            C. Will              D. Does



 --______ I go home now, sir?www.7caiedu.cn

--No, you ______. You should finish the composition first.www.7caiedu.cn

A. Might; wouldn’t            B. May; had better notwww.7caiedu.cn

C. Must; mustn’t              D. Need; mustn’t



 Bobby ______ me your secret, but he meant no harm.

A. shouldn’t have told                B. should tell       C. mustn’t have told   D. could tell



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