满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--How was the televised debate last nig...

 --How was the televised debate last night?

--Super! Rarely ______ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted             B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract           D. attracted a debate



 The witness suggested that the cheat _________ in prison.

A. referred to be put             B. refer to be put

C. referred to put                D. was referred to put



 --What do you think makes the painter so well received? 

 --______, I think.

A. Because of his unique style    B. As a result of his unique style 

C. His unique style               D. Because he invented his unique style



 There ____ .

A. come they          B. they come

C. they are come      D. they will come 



 So quickly ____ popular that some people who think his style is vulgar(庸俗的)are worried.

A. has Xiao Shengyang become            B. Xiao Shenyang has become

C. had Xiao Shengyang become            D. Xiao Shenyang became



 Only after I had known him for some time to appreciate his real worth.

A. do I begin                          B. did I begin

C. I began                             D. had I begun



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