满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was too noisy outside. Not until ___...

 It was too noisy outside. Not until _______ at the top of my voice _______ his head.

A. I shouted; had he turned                B. did I shout; did he turn

C. had I shouted; he turned                D. I shouted; did he turn



 --Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework now?

--I am doing these exercises so that I won’t have      tomorrow.

A. to               B. it               C. them           D. for



 --How was the televised debate last night?

--Super! Rarely ______ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted             B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract           D. attracted a debate



 The witness suggested that the cheat _________ in prison.

A. referred to be put             B. refer to be put

C. referred to put                D. was referred to put



 --What do you think makes the painter so well received? 

 --______, I think.

A. Because of his unique style    B. As a result of his unique style 

C. His unique style               D. Because he invented his unique style



 There ____ .

A. come they          B. they come

C. they are come      D. they will come 



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