满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--Are there any English story books for...

 --Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

--I guess, there are only few,         .

A. if any           B. if have             C. if some           D. if has



 --What do you think made him so excited?

--_____in the English competition.

A. Winning the first prize                 B. Won the first prize 

C. He won the first prize                  D. Because he won the first prize



 If you don’t tell him the true story, _______________.

A. nor do I         B. I do neither        C. nor will I         D. I will nor



 It was too noisy outside. Not until _______ at the top of my voice _______ his head.

A. I shouted; had he turned                B. did I shout; did he turn

C. had I shouted; he turned                D. I shouted; did he turn



 --Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework now?

--I am doing these exercises so that I won’t have      tomorrow.

A. to               B. it               C. them           D. for



 --How was the televised debate last night?

--Super! Rarely ______ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted             B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract           D. attracted a debate



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