满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




    My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling   1, but I always knew he was    2. He never criticized us, but used    3to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.”  I    4as a child I said something    5about somebody, and my father said, “   6time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best    7people, I would get the best    8. From then on I’ve always tried to    9the principle in my life and later in running my company.

    Dad’s also always been very   10. At 15, I started a magazine. It was   11a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a   12:stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.

    I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,   13any good father would.  When he realized I had made up my mind,  he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad   14me to go into law.  And I’ve   15regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,   16I didn’t pursue my   17. You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

    As   18turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national   19for young people in the U.K.  My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad   20me.

1.A. biologist          B. manager          C. lawyer               D. gardener

2.A. strict             B. honest               C. special              D. learned

3.A. praise             B. courage          C. power                D. warmth

4.A. think              B. imagine          C. remember         D. guess

5.A. unnecessary        B. unkind               C. unimportant      D. unusual

6.A. another            B. some             C. any              D. other

7.A. on             B. in                   C. at                   D. about

8.A. in case                B. by turns        C. by chance            D. in return

9.A. revise             B. set              C. review               D. follow

10.A. understanding     B. experienced          C. serious          D. demanding

11.A. taking up         B. making up            C. picking up           D. keeping up

12.A. suggestion            B. decision        C. notice               D. choice

13.A. and               B. as               C. even if              D. as if

14.A. helped                B. allowed          C. persuaded            D. suggested

15.A. always                B. never                C. seldom           D. almost

16.A. rather                B. but              C. for              D. therefore

17.A. promise           B. task             C. belief               D. dream

18.A. this              B. he               C. it                   D. that

19.A. newspaper         B. magazine         C. program          D. project

20.A. controlled            B. comforted            C. reminded         D. raised


1.C 【详解】由第三段to go into law可知,作者的父亲是位lawyer 2.C 【详解】由下文的语境和全篇的内容可知作者要表达的是“父亲是与众不同的” 3.A 【详解】由前文中的never criticized us,可知此处应用criticized的反义词,故选择praise 4.C 【详解】本文是作者的回忆,故应选remember。一定要注意完型中对回忆这种形式的考查高考中已经出现多次了,在平时备考时应注意时间的反差。 5.B 【详解】由句意可知作者是说别人的坏话,下句中的unpleasant是个信息词,这里应是它的同义词,答案为unkind 6.C 【详解】句意为“任何时候……”。故选any. 7.B 【详解】此处介词的意思是“在 …身上”,意为找出人们身上的优点。 8.D 【详解】此处短语意思为“作为回报”,因此用in return。 9.D 【详解】本句意为“遵循这个原则”,故答案为 follow。此题考查动词的搭配。 10.A 【详解】由下文的例子可知,此处应为“父亲总是理解的/宽容的”。 11.A 【详解】此处应意为“占用、占据(时间)”, 应用短语take up。“办杂志占用了我大量的时间”。 12.D 【详解】由下句 “stay in school or leave to work on my magazine” 可知,此题意为“选择” 13.B 【详解】此题意为“正如”,选择as。 14.C 【详解】根据上文可知此处意为“说服我去……”,而suggest不能这样用。故选C 15.A 【详解】根据上下文可知,作者的父亲对此“一直”很后悔,自己一直后悔当然不能让儿子再这样了。因此答案为always。 16.B 【详解】这里需要一个连词,而for作连词是表原因,A.D都是副词。 17.D 【详解】由上文可知,句意为“我本想作个生物学家,但没有实现自己的‘梦想’” 18.C 【详解】选择it作形式主语,故答案为it。 19.B 【详解】文章的第二段的第二句话At 15, I started a magazine.可知作者创办的是杂志。 20.D 【详解】此处动词与前句中的bring up同义, 故选择raised。“我认为我们应该像父亲养育我那样把孩子抚养大”。 【备考建议】完型填空考查学生的综合阅读能力,做本题时特别注意要前后联系,不能太局限自己的目光,把文章的大意看懂后就应该试图捉摸作者的意图,以及表达某件事情时的情感和态度。这几年考查的都是回忆性的题材,所以在平时备考时多注意类似的文章中的时间反差。针对现在社会现状,文章的内容都是积极向上并有说教意义的,与构建和谐社会的主流是一致的。在学习时应做到有的放矢。

 The country life he was used to ______ greatly since 1992.

    A. change                               B. has changed     

C. changing                             D. have changed



 He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free.

A. could                B. would                C. must             D. need



 -- Let’s go to a movie after work, OK? -- ______

    A. Not at all.          B. Why not?         C. Never mind.      D. What of it?



 What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ______?

    A. given out            B. put out              C. held up          D. used up



 -- ______ that he managed to get the information?  -- Oh, a friend of his helped him.

    A. Where was it     B. What was it      C. How was it       D. Why was it



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