满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At times, worrying is a normal, ______ ...

 At times, worrying is a normal, ______ response to a difficult event or situation—a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.

A. effective                B. individual           C. inevitable           D. unfavorable


 C 【详解】有时,在困难的事件或情景下,忧虑是正常的,不可避免的反应。如心爱的人出事故受伤等。 effective “有效的” individual “个别的”  inevitable “不可避免的” unfavorable “不讨人喜欢的”

 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ______ was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A. temper               B. appearance           C talent                D. character



 The company is starting a new advertising campaign to ______ new customers to its shores.

A. join                 B. attract              C. stick                D. transfer



 There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we ______ gave up.

A. eventually               B. unfortunately        C. generously           D. purposefully



 If a shop has chairs ______ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop.

A. that                 B. which                C. when             D. where



 Never before ______ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.

A. has this city been       B. this city has been   C. was this city        D. this city was



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