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“Who made you T-shirt?” A Geo letdown Un...


“Who made you T-shirt?” A Geo letdown University students raised that question. Piertra Rivoli, a professor of business, wanted to find the answer. A few weeks later, she bought a T-shirt and began to follow its path form Texas cotton, rim to Chinese factory to charity bin (慈善捐赠箱). The result is an interesting new book, The tran’s of a T-shirt in the Global Economy (经济).

Following a T-shirt around the world in a way to make her point more interesting, but it also frees Rivoli from the usual arguments over global trade. She goes wherever the T-shirt goes, and there are surprises around every corner. In China, Rivoli shows why a clothing factory, even with its poor conditions, means a step towards a better care for the people who word there. In the colorful used-clohting markets of Tanzania, she realizes that, “it is only in this final stage of life that the T-shirt will meet a real market,” where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different by its size and even color, Rivoli’s book is full of me able people and scenes, like the noise, the bad air and the “muddy sweet smell (泥土香味) of the cotton,” she says. “Here in the factory, Shanghai smells like shallot water Texas.”

Rivoli is at her best when making those sorts of unexpected connections. She even finds one between the free traders and those who are against globalization. The changes opened up by trade are vase, she argues, but free markets need the correcting force of politics to keep them in check. True economic progress needs them both.

1.What do we learn about Professor Rivoli?________

A. She used to word on cotton farm.

B. She wrote a book about world trade.

C. She wants to give up her teaching job.  

D. She wears a T-shirt wherever she goes.

2.By saying T-shirt “meet a real market”, Rivoli means in Tanzania _______.

A. cheaper T-shirts are needed  B. used T-shirts are hard to sell

C. prices of T-shirts rise and fall frequently  D. prices of T-shirts are usually reasonable

3.What does the word “them” underlined in the last paragraph refer to? _______

A. Free markets.        B. Price changes.  

C. Unexpected connections.  D. Chances opened up by trade.

4.What would be the best title for the text? ________

A. What T-shirts Can Do to Help Cotton Farms                B. How T-shirts Are Made in Shanghai

C. How T-shirts Are Sold in Tanzania   

D. What T-shirts Can Teach Us


1.B 【分析】根据文章第一段Piertra Rivoli, a professor of business,…… The result is an interesting new book, The tran’s of a T-shirt in the Global Economy (经济).可以看出正确答案。 【高考考点】细节推断 【易错点】:D,可能学生会断章取义根据She goes wherever the T-shirt goes,做出错误判断。 2.C 【分析】根据下一句where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different……可以看出答案 【高考考点】细节推断 【易错点】:学生可能没有理解此处的where从句就是对前面market的解释而不能找到正确答案,从而误选其它选项。 3.A 【分析】首先注意在keep them in check中keep……in check意为“控制,制止”。根据整个这句话来看,此处的them应该是代指前面主语free markets。 【高考考点】词义猜测 【易错点】:D是一个比较容易误选的选项。因为没有理清句子结构。 4.D 【分析】分析全文可以看出,整个文章故事都是由一句话“Who made you T-shirt?”所引出来的。从被选项来看,其它几个选项都只是文章的一个部分而不是主体。所以正确答案应该是D    【高考考点】综合理解 【易错点】:如果不能全面分析理解,可能会断章取义选取其它几个选项。


When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes, jobs, cloth and cars.

A true friendship carries-a-long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should protect. Unfortunately, the better friends you are, the more probably you’ll have disagreements. And the result can be what you don’t want an end to the relationship.

The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended First, don’t’ let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open. Second, apologize when you’re wrong – even if you’ve been wronged. Over the course of a friendship, even the best people make mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizes. When you apologize, give your friend a chance to admit that he has been wrong. Third, see things from your friend’s point of view (观点). And finally, accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyle (生活方式) change. Making friends can sometimes seem easy. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that have an effect on all relationships. My suggestion: Consider friendship an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure and nurture (培养).


1.What would be the best title for the text? ________

A. Easy Ways to Make Friends   

B. Ups and Downs in Friendship

C. How to Mend a Troubled Friendship   

D. How to Take the Lead in Making Friends

2.The “wronged person” underlined in the text refers to a person _______.

A. who has been mistaken for another    B. who has been blamed unfairly

C. who has treated friends badly    D. who has admitted his mistake

3.According to the text a friendship can last long only if _______.

A. we have much in common   B. we know our friends’ mistakes

C. we treat our disagreements wisely    D. we have know one another for long

4.What should we do if we follow the author’s second suggestion? _______

A. Stick to our own prints of view 

B. Avoid making mistakes

C. Make an apology first       

D. Change our lifestyles




    When I learned that my 71-year-old mother was playing Scrabble – a word game – against herself, I knew I had to do something. My husband suggested we give her a computer to play against. I wasn’t sure my mother was ready for it. After all, it had taken 10 years to persuade her to buy an electric cooker. Even so, we packed up our old computer and delivered it to my parents’home. And so began my mother’s adventure in the world of computers.

    It also marked the beginning of an unusual teaching task for me. I’ve taught people of all ages, but I never thought I would be teaching my mother how to do anything. She has been the one teaching me all my life: to cool and sew; to enjoy the good times and put up with the bad. Now it was my turn to give something back.

    It wasn’t easy at the beginning. There was so much to explain and to introduce. Slowly but surely, my mother caught on, making notes in a little notebook. After a few months of Scrabble and other games, I decided it was time to introduce her to word processing(文字处理). This proved to be a bigger challenge(挑战) to her, so I gave her some homework I asked her to write me a letter, using different letter types, colors and spaces.

    “Are you this demanding with your kindergarten pupils?” she asked.

    “No, of course not,” I said. “They already know how to use a computer.”

     My mother isn’t the only one experiencing a fast personal growth period. Thanks to the computer, my father has finally got over his phone allergy(过敏反应). For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would answer. Dad and I have had more phone conversations in the last two months than we’ve had in the past 20 years.


1.What does the author do?_______

    A. She is a cook.                   B. She is a teacher.

    C. She is a housewife.              D. She is a computer engineer.

2.The author decided to give her mother a computer _________            .

    A. to let her have more chances to write letters

    B. to support her in doing her homework

    C. to help her through the bad times

    D. to make her life more enjoyable

3.The author asked her mother to write her a letter _________               .

    A. because her mother had stopped using the telephone

    B. because she wanted to keep in touch with her mother

    C. so that her mother could practice what she had learned

    D. so that mother could be free from housework

4.After the computer was brought home, the author father ________      .

    A. lost interest in cooking

    B. took more phone calls

    C. played more games

    D. began to use it




May: Happenings form the Past

May 5, 1884

Isaac Murphy, son of a slave and perhaps the greatest horse rider in American history, rides Buchanan to win his first Kentucky Derby. He becomes the first rider ever to win the race three times.


May 9, 1754

Benijamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette produces perhaps the first American political cartoon(漫画),showing a snake cut in pieces with the words “John or Die ” printed under the picture.


May 11, 1934

The first great dust storm of the Great Plains Dust Bowl, the result of years of drought(干旱),blows topsoil all the way to New York City and Washington, D.C.


May 19, 1994

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, form first lady and one of the most famous people of the 1960s, died of cancer in New York City at the age of 64.


May 24,1844

Samuel F.B. Morse taps out the first message, “What hath God wrought,” over the experimental long-distance telegraph line which runs from Washington,D.C., to Baltimore, Md.


1.We know from the text that Buchanan is  ____________           .

    A. Isaac’s father                    B. a winning horse

    C. a slave taking care of horse         D. the first racing horse in Kentucky

2.What is the title of the first American political cartoon? _________

    A. Join or Die                        B. Pennsylvania Gazette

    C. What Hath God Wrought              D. Kentucky Derby

3.In which year did the former first lady Jacqueline die? ________

    A. 1934            B.1960           C. 1964               D. 1994

4.Which of the following places has to do with the first telegram in history? ______

    A. Washing, D.C.                      B. New York City.

    C. Kentucky.                          D. Pennsylvania.




My friends, Emma Daniels, spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel. During her monthlong stay in Jerusalem she often went to a café called Chocolate Soup. It was run by two men, one of whom – Alex – used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, while chatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she was reading and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a wonderful book she might like, and that he’d be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the café, he quickly ran up to get it. The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings, a book by a former Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN).

Emma had never read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover in her own handwriting(笔迹).It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange(交换)addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack(背包) and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal, and his friend Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalcm, he took the book along.

1.Alex lent Emma the book, Markings,  _______         .

A. to show his friendliness to her

B. to show his interest in reading

C. to tell her about the importance of UN

D. to let her write her name and address inside

2.How did Emma feel the moment she opened the book?________

    A. Pleased.                         B. Satisfied.

    C. Worried.                         D. Surprised.

3.We can learn from the text the Californian ________            .

    A. met Emma at a concert

    B. invited Emma to a concert

    C. introduced Emma to his friend

    D. left Emma his backpack

4.Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book? ___________

    A. An official of the UN.

    B. A coffee shop owner.

    C. A friend of the author’s.

    D. Alex’s friend form California.





The year I went to college was a very difficult transition(过渡期) for me. 1is probably true with many people, I got quite homesick and   2thought about going home.

Although the  3time for many students is getting   4from home, my mailbox was frequently   5. One day when I went to the mailbox, there was a postcard   6out at me. I sat down to read it,   7a note from someone back home. 8I became increasingly puzzled(困惑) as   9postcards were like this; It was a full news report about a woman named Mabel and her new born baby. I took the card back to my room and   10about it.

Several days later I   11another postcard, this one   12news about Maybel line, Mabel’s cousin. Soon after, another card arrived and then another,  13full of news of different people. I began to   14look forward to the next one,   15to see what this author would come up with   16. I was never   17.

Finally, the cards   18coming, right about the time I had begun to feel    19about college life. They had been such a happy distraction(调剂) that, I have  20all the postcards and still bring them out to read whenever I need a lift.

1.A. If                B. So          C. As           D. What

2.A. often        B. carefully          C. seldom        D. merely

3.A. hard            B. last         C. busiest       D. happiest

4.A. visitors        B. letters       C. calls          D. directions

5.A. empty           B. full           C. closed        D. open

6.A. pouring       B. reaching        C. staring           D. rolling

7.A. describing    B. considering    C. enjoying      D. expecting

8.A. But          B. Thus          C. Also             D. Even

9.A. any           B. no             C. some              D. such

10.A. joked         B. talked           C. forgot          D. cared

11.A. mailed        B. accepted         C. worte           D. received

12.A. delivering     B. demanding     C. discovering    D. developing

13.A. one           B. each            C. either         D. both

14.A. nearly        B. possibly         C. usually        D. really

15.A. promising     B. surprised      C. interested    D. pretending

16.A. below         B. lately          C. next           D. behind

17.A. frightened     B. disappointed     C. excited         D. pleased

18.A. continued     B. stopped         C. started         D. avoided

19.A. easy         B. safe             C. tired          D. anxious

20.A. lost         B. collected        C. torn            D. saved



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