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Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last k...


Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. “Football, tennis, cricket — anything with a round ball, I was useless,”he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the one always made fun of in school gym classes in Devonshire, England.

It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At fist he went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then be began to ride the bike along with a runner friend, Gradually, Saunders set his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed and strength. At the age of 18, he ran his first marathon.

The following year, he met John Ridgway and was hired as an instructor at Ridgway’s School of Adventure in Scotland where he learned about Ridgeway’s cold-water exploits. Greatly interested, Saunders read all he could about North Pole explorers and adventures then decided that this would be his future.

In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition (探险) towards the North Pole. It took unbelievable energy. He suffered frostbite (冻疮),ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit, pulling his supply-loaded sled (雪橇) up and over rocky ice.

Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he’s skied more of the North Pole by himself than any other British man. His old playmates would not believe the change.

Next October, Saunders, 27, heads south from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, a 2900-kilornetre journey that has never been completed on skis.

1.What changes happened to Saunders after he was 15 years old?

A.He became good at most sports.        B.He began to build up his body.

C.He joined a sports team.              D.He made friends with a runner.

2.The underlined word “exploits” (paragraph3) is closest in meaning to       .

A. journeys                      B. researches

C. adventures                    D. operations

3.Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Saunders?

A. He ran his first marathon.         B. He skied alone in the North Pole.

C. He rode his bike in a forest.       D. He planned an adventure to the South Pole.

A.acdb          B.cdab       C.adbd         D.cabd

4.What does the story mainly tell us about Saunders?

A.He is success in sports.            B.He is the best British skier. 

C.He is Ridgway’s favorite student.    D.He is a good instructor at school.


1.B  【解析】由第二段第三行可得知。 【考点】细节理解题  2.C 【解析】由学校的名字Ridgway’s School of Adventure及第三段最后一句可得知。 【考点】词义猜测题 3.D 【解析】首先自己排列,然后再与短文进行对照。四件事情其实是按时间先后顺序排列的。 【考点】综合搭配题(排序题)  4.A  【解析】B、C 、D 都比较片面,在文中都有提到。只有A最全面,最具有概括性。 【考点】主旨大意题  本文是一篇记叙文。主要描写了一个又胖又害羞的英国男孩Ben Saunders    ,刚开始对球类运动不感兴趣,后来经过朋友的帮助和自己的努力,最终取得成功的故事。



One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited

1for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became  2. When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had  3. He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not  4in the situation. In a few moments he was holding four small prints that   5even him.

He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a   6behind the desk in the booth. “   7you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously   8someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then   9his office in Morrison Building,    10that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good    11! He sat down with a smile.

His wife   12those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married…

How are you with   13? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are  14. We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to charge his or her mind.

Patience is an important   15of a happy and rewarding life.  16, some things are worth waiting for.   17presents many opportunities for wait training.

We can hate waiting,   18it or even get good at it! But one thing is  19— we cannot avoid it. How is your   20coming along?

1.A. proudly          B. respectfully        C .patiently        D. curiously

2.A. angry           B. hungry            C. frightened       D. thirsty

3.A.a question       B. a reason           C. an opinion       D. an idea

4.A. serious          B. difficult           C. regular          D. convenient

5.A. hurt            B. encouraged         C. attracted         D. shocked

6.A. clerk           B. secretary           C. passer-by        D. friend

7.A. Since           B. Before             C. As             D. If

8.A. looking for      B. working for         C. sending for      D. paying for

9.A. called up         B. returned to          C. visited         D. left

10.A. worried         B. disappointed         C. satisfied        D. surprised

11.A. description       B. preparation          C. excuse         D. lecture

12.A. tore             B. saved              C. developed       D. destroyed

13.A. your wife        B. your family          C. patience         D. determination

14.A. hoping for       B. waiting for           C. ready for       D. fit for

15.A. lesson          B. experience            C. purpose        D. quality

16.A. For example     B. After all              C. Right now      D. So far

17.A. Every age        B. Every shop          C. Every day       D. Every office

18.A. accept          B. control              C. change          D. improve

19.A. certain          B. interesting            C. precious        D. easy

20.A. photo taking    B. job hunting          C. decision making    D. wait training



 —What should I do first?

—The instructions       that you should mix flour with water carefully first.

A.go                    B.tell

C.write                   D.say



 —Could I have a word with you, mum?

—Oh dear, if you      .

A.can                  B.must

C.may                 D.should



 It remains       whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.

A.seen                 B.to be seen

C.seeing                D.to see



 —If you like I can do some shopping for you.

—That’s a very kind      .

A.offer                B.service

C.point               D.suggestion



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