满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

——How are you managing to do your work ...

 ——How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?   

——Well,I _____ somehow.

    A. get along        B. come on      C. watch out            D. set off


 A 【解析】:get along这个短语除了我们熟悉的“进展、相处”外还有一个很重要的意思那就是manage。这里根据题意:没有助手我一个人还能应付、过的去所以选A。come on 是加油、快点等含义,watch out小心、监视、提防等意思,set off开始、出发。 【考点】:固定短语意义辨析。 【易错点】:对get along的这个含义不熟悉容易错选B和C答案。 【备考建议】:当我们在做题目的时候,如果碰到一些无法确定的词义辨析题目最好用排除法,把最熟悉的最不可能的选项排除掉;同时复习中要勤做笔记、勤看笔记。

 ____________and I’ll get the work finished.

A. Have one more hour               B. One more hour  

C. Given one more hour          D. If I have one more hour



 Isn't it time you got down to_______ the papers?

  A. mark             B. be marked      C. being marked         D. marking



 Everywhere man has cut down_____ forests in order to grow crops,or to use_____ wood as fuel or as building material.

    A. the; the         B. the; /      C. /;the           D. /;/



 I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _______with my progress.

  A. the teacher is not satisfied         B. is the teacher not satisfied                

C. the teacher is satisfied             D. is the teacher satisfied



 In time of serious accidents,______ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.

  A. whether          B. until          C. if               D. unless



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