满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道...




例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper.          B.A magazine.               C.A book.


1.Where is the man from?

A.Atlanta.              B.New York.             C.Washington,D.C.

2.How much is the man’s telephone bill?

A.$50.                  B.$24.                  C.$30.

3.What does the woman want to watch?

A.News.                 B.“Animal World”.         C.Movie.

4.Which apartment is the woman interested in?

A.The one-bedroom apartment.

B.The two-bedroom apartment.

C.The three-bedroom apartment.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Giving advice.

B.Asking the way.

C.Making a request.




6.Why is the woman late?

A.She missed the bus.

B.She couldn’t start her car.

C.She couldn’t find the key.

7.Where are the two speakers?

A.At a garage.              B.At a bus stop.            C.At a restaurant.


8.What are the two speakers going to do?

A.Go shopping.          B.Visit a church.           C.See an exhibition.

9.What do we learn about the man?

A.He is a tour guide.

B.He works in a shop.

C.He lives in the city.


10.Who is going to give the speech?

A.Mark.                 B.Susan.                    C.John.

11.What is the speech about?

A.A project.                B.A city.                   C.A job.


12.Where does the woman work?

A.Tokyo.                    B.London.               C.Oxford.

13.What are the speakers going to do together tomorrow evening?

A.Visit Jane.               B.Have dinner.          C.See customers.

14.Who is probably Jane?

A.Tony’s customer.         B.Tony’s boss.             C.Tony’s wife.


15.Who is the woman talking to?

A.A student.                B.A teacher.                C.A secretary.

16.What does the man say about Frank?

A.He is quiet.              B.He is active.             C.He is honest.

17.What does the woman think good students should be like?

A.They should ask questions.

B.They should pay attention in class.

C.They should not be afraid of making mistakes.


18.What does the man do?

A.A painter.                B.An engineer.          C.A weatherman.

19.What does the man say about his job?

A.Easy.                 B.Tiring.                   C.Dangerous.

20.Why does the man love his job?

A.He can stay in the mountains.

B.He can enjoy the beautiful view.

C.He can experience different weather.


1.A     2.B     3.C     4.A     5.C     6.B 7.C     8.A     9.C     10.A    11.A    12.A 13.B    14.C    15.B    16.B    17.B    18.A 19.C    20.B










June 8

Dear Mr.Green,

I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together.__ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua









I’m eighteen years old and I live in small village in                      1.______

the Peak District,not far from Nottingham.I grow up                     2.______

in this village,so I know everyone here.That’s the                         3.______

problem—the problem is that there’s nothing to do,                        4.______

and nobody of my age to do it with!At the moments I                     5.______

travel into Nottingham every day to the shop as I work.                 6.______

There’s a bus at 7:30 in the morning or the last bus back                  7.______

in the evening is at 5:30.From September,therefore,                     8.______

I’m going to stay in Nottingham by my aunt and uncle                       9.______

when my cousin joins in the Navy.I can use his room.                        10.______

I’m really looking forward to living in Nottingham.




Meeting people from another culture can be difficult.From the beginning,people may send the wrong signal(信号).Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

Different cultures emphasize(强调)the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree.For example,business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust.Even with people at work,it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”,usually over a glass of tea,before they do any job.In many European countries—like the UK or France—people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafés rather than at the office.

Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures.I once made a speech in Thailand.I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion;instead there was an uncomfortable silence.The people present just stared at me and smiled.After getting to know their ways better,I realized that they thought I was talking too much.In my own culture,we express meaning mainly through words,but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

Even within Northern Europe,cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values;however,Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly.We think that they are rude.In fact,this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

People from different parts of the world have different values,and sometimes these values are quite against each other.However,if we can understand them better,a multicultural environment(多元文化环境)will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

1.In some countries,eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to .

A.develop closer relationsB.share the same culture

C.get to know each otherD.keep each other company

2.The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that .

A.the English prefer to make long speeches

B.too many words are of no use

C.people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature

D.even talk and silence can be culturally different

3.According to the text,how can people from different cultures understand each other better?

A.By sharing different ways of life.

B.By accepting different habits.

C.By recognizing different values.

D.By speaking each other’s languages.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Multicultural Environment

B.Cross-Cultural Differences

C.How to Understand Each Other

D.How to Build Up a Relationship




The summer I was ten,my mother decided to bring us to the world of art.My brother and I were not very excited when we realized what my mother meant.What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend one afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum.Before each visit to the museum,she made us read about artists and painting styles(风格).It was almost as bad as being in school.Who wants to spend the summer thinking about artists when you could be with your friends at the swimming pool?

First we had to read about ancient Egyptians(古埃及人)and their strange way of painting faces and then go to look at them at the museum.My 12-year-old brother thought this was so funny,but I was not interested.Later we had to learn about artists in the Middle Ages who painted people wearing strange long clothing.We had to look at pictures of fat babies with wings and curly(卷曲的)hair and with no clothes on flying around the edges of paintings.I certainly couldn’t see what was so great about art.

On our last visit to the museum,something happened when I saw a painting by a woman called Mary.In it,a woman was reading to a child.The colors were soft and gentle,and you could tell by the mother’s expression how happy she was just to be with the child.I couldn’t stop looking at this painting!I wanted to see every painting Mary had ever made!It was really worth looking at so many paintings to find a painter who could interest me so much.

1.The aim of the mother’s plan was to ________.

A.take them to visit the museum

B.introduce them to the world of art

C.ask them to read about artists

D.show them different painting styles

2.What was the writer’s experience in the museum before the last visit?

A.She came to feel her mother’s love.

B.She liked many paintings.

C.She hardly enjoyed herself.

D.She could understand the pictures of fat babies.

3.What made the writer go through a change that summer?

A.One of Mary’s paintings.

B.A strange way of painting.

C.Artists in the Middle Ages.

D.Her mother’s instruction.

4.From the text,we can see________.

A.the importance of curiosity

B.the effect of art

C.the value of learning

D.the power of family education




As societies develop,their members start to see things not so much according to what they need,but according to what they want.When people have enough money,these wants become demands.

Now,it’s important for the managers in a company to understand what their customers want if they are going to develop effective marketing strategies(策略).There are various ways of doing this.One way at supermarkets(超市),for example,is to interview(采访)customers while they’re doing their shopping.They can be asked what they prefer to buy and then the results of the research can be studied.This provides information on which to base future marketing strategies.It’s also quite normal for top managers from department stores to spend a day or two each month visiting stores and mixing freely with the public,as if they were ordinary customers,to get an idea of how customers act.

Another way to get information from customers is to give them something.For example,some fast food restaurants give away tickets in magazines or on the street that permit customers to get part of their meal for nothing.As well as being a good way of attracting customers into the restaurants to spend their money,it also allows the managers to get a feel for where to attract customers and which age-groups to attract.

Another strategy used at some well-known parks such as Disneyland is for top managers to spend at least one day in their work,touring the park dressed as Mickey Mouse or something like that.This provides them with a perfect chance to examine the scene and watch the customers without being noticed.

1.The text is designed for ________.

A.managers                              B.salesmen

C.researchers                               D.customers

2.Which of the following can help managers get useful information?

A.Visiting customers themselves.

B.Giving customers free food on the street.

C.Visiting parks as ordinary customers.

D.Asking customers questions at supermarkets.

3.What does the word“this”underlined in the last sentence refer to?

A.Visiting Disneyland.

B.Wearing attractive clothes.

C.Acting Mickey Mouse.

D.Dressing up and walking around.

4.The main idea of the text is ________.

A.how to do market research

B.how to develop marketing strategies

C.how to find out customers’ social needs

D.how to encourage customers to spend more money



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