满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




As a young man, Al was a skilled artist.He had a wife and two fine sons.One night, his oldest son  1a severe stomachache.Thinking it was only some   2intestinal (肠内的)disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very  3. But the boy   4suddenly that night.

       Knowing the death could have been   5if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, Al's emotional health became worse under the huge burden of his guilt. To make matters __6, his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two   7were more than Al could handle, and he   8to alcohol.In time Al __9an alcoholic.

       As the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he   10— his home, his land, his art works everything.   11Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room.

       When I heard of Al's death, I thought that Al's life was a complete  12.  I thought. "What a totally wasted life".

       As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier judgment.I knew Al's now adult son, Ernie.He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have  13known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free   14of love between them.I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.

I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his father.One day I worked 15my courage to ask him."I'm really  16by something," I said."I know your father was  17the only one to raise you.What on earth did he do that you became such a special person?"

       Ernie sat quietly and  18for a few moments. Then he said, "From my earliest __19as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ' I love you, son.' "

Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to  20Al as a failure. He had not left any material possessions behind.But he had been a kind loving father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known.

1.A.formed                  B.developed             C.received                  D.gained

2.A. average       B. normal           C. ordinary             D. common

3.A. slightly           B. secretly         C. seriously            D. terribly

4.A.died                   B.choked                C.starved                   D.worsened

5.A.cured                   B.prevented             C.forbidden                 D.saved

6.A.better             B.heavier               C.worse                     D.happier

7.A.disasters           B.adventures            C. directions               D.situations

8.A.got                     B.drank                 C.turned                    D.sank

9.A.turned             B.became           C.followed                  D.created

10.A.needed            B.shared                C.benefited                 D.possessed

11.A.Eventually        B.Gradually             C.Therefore                 D.Meanwhile

12.A.trouble                B.hardship              C.failure                   D.waste

13.A. never             B. even             C. still                D. ever

14.A.win                    B.fall                      C.space                     D.flow

15.A.up                     B.with                      C.on                        D.through

16.A.worried           B.puzzled              C.interested                D.attracted

17.A.especially             B.basically             C.merely                    D.specially

18.A.argued            B.searched             C.analyzed                  D.reflected

19.A.thoughts          B.ideas                     C.minds                 D.memories

20.A.treat                  B.call                      C.judge                         D.feel


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B   6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D        11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A   16.B 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C

 We tried hard, and eventually, we were able to get Mike ____us his car just for a day.

A. lending            B. lend            C. to lend               D. lent



 Susan started to clean the room; __________Lily was preparing lunch.

A. however           B. but             C. meanwhile            D. when



 Had you joined the caht room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we _______about then.

A. had talked          B. have talked       C. talk                 D. were talking



 It is too bad for someone in such a high _______ in the government to behave badly in public.

A. position           B. situation          C. profession        D. condition



 ----Why are your hands so dirty? 

----I ____________in the garden.  

A. was working       B. have worked       C. worked          D. have been working



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