满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




    Our neighbour’s son was getting married in 2009 at an out-of-town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a    1, and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little    2, but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and I would     3a few pounds.

    June 29 came and, of course, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had    4two. But I    5a nice new girdle (紧身内衣) would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we     6once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a   7large girdle. The clerk found the box with the     8girdle marked “LG”, and asked if I would like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I    9try it on.”

    The next morning was rather hot, one of those thirty-four degree days, I suppose, so I    10to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I opened the box only to   11a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn’t     12right without a girdle, a fight    13in the hotel room between me and the girdle. Have you ever tried to    1420 pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag? That’s it. Finally my husband,      15like crazy, got hold of each side and shook me down into it. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn’t    16very well with my red face, and was ready to go.

    Finally we got to the    17. I heard one of the people say that they were having a High Mass (大弥撒). I turned to my husband and asked, “What is a High Mass?” He shrugged his     18.

19, I learned that this particular mass would last one hour, twenty-two minutes and eight and one half seconds - the priest (神父 ) was going to bless     20except my girdle.

1.A. hotel         B. store        C. church       D. office

2.A. long          B. tight        C. little          D. perfect

3.A. put on        B. gain         C. lose              D. miss

4.A. won           B. received     C. gained            D. lost

5.A. think         B. suggested    C. demanded    D. figured

6.A. went          B. arrived      C. stopped      D. entered

7.A. size          B. length       C. width        D. depth

8.A. described     B. bought       C. sold         D. talked

9.A. can’t        B. needn’t     C. shouldn’t        D. mustn’t

10.A. wanted       B. expected     C. tried             D. waited

11.A. find         B. notice       C. search       D. look

12.A. work         B. use          C. fit               D. wear

13.A. broke down   B. broke out    C. broke up      D.broke away

14.A. pull         B. lay          C. push        D. shake

15.A. laughing     B. crying       C. shouting     D. smiling

16.A. do           B. go           C. work        D. look

17.A. town         B. store        C. church      D. hotel

18.A. shoulders    B. arms         C. head        D. hands

19.A. Happily      B. Generally    C.Luckily      D.Unfortunately

20.A. something    B. nothing      C. anything     D. everything


1.B.  根据文章的内容提示,应为去商店买东西。 2.B.  根据下文提示,套装有点紧。 3.C.  我还有一个月时间可以减肥,以便穿上这套有点紧的衣服。 4.C.  前面提到“我一磅肉也没掉”,与此相比“事实上我还长了两磅肉”。 5.D.  词语辨义,figure表示经过推算得出结论,意为“合计、算计”。 6.C.  商店不是我们的目的地,而只是在去教堂的路上作停留。 7.A.  衣服的标识是尺寸,即size。下文也有提示。 8.A.  此时衣服还没买,因此不选B、C、D用于此处不合语法,因此选A意为“所描述的”。 9.B.  既然“大号适合”,当然就“没必要”试穿了。 10.D.  “等到”临出发前45分钟再穿衣服,因为天气太热。 11.A.  notice为“无意中注意到”,find为“发现”,在本文的背景下显然是“有心注意”。 12.C.  如果不穿紧身内衣,新买的衣服就穿不上去了,C表示衣服大小合适。 13.B.  break out意为“(战争、火灾等)爆发、发生”。 14.D. 幽默的比喻,“你们谁试过硬往只能装5磅的袋子里塞进去20磅土豆吗?” shake一词在下句中出现。 15.A.  此时此景,丈夫不大笑(1augh)才怪呢。 16.B.  go with意为“与……相称,“搭配协调”。 17.C.  从全文内容理解,他们最终目的是去教堂。 18.A.  英美习俗,耸肩表示不知道或无可奈何。 19.D.  从对时间的描述可知,每一秒钟对她都是痛苦的。 20.D.  紧身内衣让“我”感到痛苦,哪还顾得上神父的祈福?

 The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been ________ filled in.

A. slightly     B. properly     C. regularly        D. eventually



 Playing with a cell phone, he suddenly ________ the teacher staring at him.

A. knew of                       B. became aware of  

C. reflected                     D. aware for



 She seemed ________ the book before, but she said she had never.

A. to read       B. to have read C. to be reading    D. reading



 ________ on the subject for half an hour, Liu Ying suddenly stopped.

A. To be worked                  B. To work         

C. Having worked                 D. Having been worked



 She offered me practical ________ with my research, for which I would appreciate for my whole life.

A. conduct       B. certificate      C. admiration   D. assistance



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