满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




     It was the district track meeting, which we had been training for all seasons. My foot still hadn't healed from a(n)   1injury. Actually I had hesitated whether or not to  2the meet. But there I was, preparing for the 3,200-meter run.

     "Ready... set..." The gun popped and off we were. The other girls ran ahead of me. I found myself limping(跛) and felt ashamed as I  3farther and farther behind.

     The first-place runner was two laps(圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line. "Hooray!" the  4shouted with the loudest cheer I had ever heard at a meeting.

     "Maybe I should quit," I   5as I limped on. "Those people wouldn't like to wait for me to finish this race." Somehow,    6, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran   7and decided not to compete in track next year. I couldn't beat the girl who lapped me twice, even if my foot did 8.

     When I finished, I heard a cheer-just as  9as the one the first-place girl received "What was that all about?" I asked myself. I turned around and sure enough, the boys were preparing for their race. "They  10be cheering for the boys."

     I went  11to the bathroom where a girl came across me and said, "Wow, you've got courage!"

     I thought, "Courage? She must be  12me for someone else. I just  13a race!  I would have never been able to finish those two miles  14I were you. What happened to your foot? We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?"

     I couldn't believe it. A(n)  15stranger had cheered for me-not for my victory, but for my perseverance. Suddenly I  16hope. I decided to stick with track next year. One girl saved my  17.

     That day I learned two things. First, a  18kindness and confidence in people can make a great difference to them. Second, strength and courage aren't measured in the  19and victories.                                                         They are measured in the struggles we 20.

1.A. earlier    B. smaller  C. simpler  D. later

2.A. mention    B. present  C. attend   D. watch

3.A. left   B. dropped  C. moved    D. fell

4.A. competitors    B. crowd    C. public   D. team

5.A. swore  B. discouraged  C. determined   D. thought

6.A. however    B. merely   C. therefore    D. too

7.A. in surprise    B. in a hurry   C. in pain  D. in panic

8.A. hurt   B. heal C. harm D. cure

9.A. different  B. same C. enthusiastic D. outstanding

10.A. may   B. would    C. must D. could

11.A. soon  B. around   C. straight D. opposite

12.A. recognizing   B. tricking C. knowing  D. mistaking

13.A. won   B. defeated C. lost D. missed

14.A. as if B. in ease  C. though   D. if

15.A. complete B. new  C. crazy    D. excited

16.A. returned  B. rewarded C. readapted    D. regained

17.A. life  B. face C. dream    D. trouble

18.A. little    B. useful   C. rare D. valueless

19.A. possessions   B. medals   C. words    D. smiles

20.A. get across    B. get in   C. get over D. get to


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D   6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C    11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A  16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C

 --I'm calling to say goodbye. I'm flying home tomorrow.

   --       .

    A. I'm sorry to hear that.

    B. Congratulations!

    C. I'm not sure.

    D. Have a nice trip!



 It's       you do it fight now       makes a difference.

     A. what; which      B. what; that            C. that; that         D. how; which



 They       to see you off at the airport, but they got there too late.

    A. have hoped        B. had hoped          C. would hope      D. hope



 -- Excuse me, Sir. You       take your camera into the museum.

   -- Sorry, I didn't know and I promise you I       .

  A. needn't; mustn't                     B. can't; won't

  C. mustn't; mustn't                     D. may not; needn't



 Jane didn't say       she would return, but I suppose she'll be back for dinner.

   A. that when         B. when              C. if or not        D. where



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