满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---____ will we have to go? ---Just one...

 ---____ will we have to go?

    ---Just one mile.Keep walking.

    A.How long       B.How far        C.How fast       D.How much farther



 With so many children ____round the table, the food disappeared_______.

    A.seating, at no time              B.seated, in no time

    C.seated, at no time               D.seating, in no time



 ---Remember the first time we met, Mary?

    ---Sure.You ______ in the supermarket.

    A.had shopped                      B.have shopped

    C.were shopping                    D.shopped



 _____ global financial crisis of 2009 became _____ concern for people all over the world.

    A.The; the       B.The; a         C.不填; 不填    D.A ; the










    参考词汇:宣誓:make an oath;成人宣誓仪式:grown-up ceremony

Dear Tom

     It's great to receive your e-mail.Now I’d like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday.











     Best Wishes!                                                                          

                                                                 Yours, Li Hua 









         The other days I went shopping at a gift shop in   1.

Shanghai. I was very interested and I lost me in the  2.

beautiful goods. After I paid for that what i had bought, I   3.

left, my handbag there. It was about two thousand 4.

yuan in it. I had already walked out of the shop while    5.

a young shop assistant walk up to me with my handbag. 6.

He insisted my checking it. I opened the handbag and  7.

found nothing losing. I thanked him and offered him   8.

100 yuan as an reward, but he refused to take anything.   9.

I was deep moved by his selfless act that day.    10.




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