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LG Electronics, the world’s fourth larg...


 LG Electronics, the world’s fourth largest cell phone producer, has added another feature to the mobile phone-reading books for the visually impaired(弱视). The company started marketing the model, the LF1300 on Sep.18.No other people but the blind and visually-impaired with a certificate(证书) can buy the talking phone at sales shops of LG Electronics.

 “The LF1300 is the world’s first mobile phone that is capable of reading books for the print-disabled, who otherwise could not enjoy them.This is not about making money but about continuing to put froth efforts to reduce the digital difference for the disabled,” LG Vice President said.

Its users can download about 300 audio books from the Internet site of LG Sangam Library to their phones for free in two ways. One is to access the digital library’s Website on a computer designed for the blind to get the audio books and transfer them to cell phones. The other is to download the digital books directly with cell phones through the wireless net work by touching a hot key on the LF1300 phone.

On top of its unique feature of reading books, the LF1300 is no worse than the pupular top-line phones in both outlooks and frnctionalities(功能性). The phone is armed with an MP3 player and a Bluetooth headset, enabling users to listen to the music or talk without a cord. The user interface(界面) of the LF1300 is also designed for the blind,enabling phone users to control it through a voice guidance system.

However, because the phone’s internal mimory of 17MB is small even for a single audio book file, which takes up 80MB on average, a high-volume external memory is a must for the talking book services.

1.are allowed to buy the talking phone.

  A.Disabled people with a cerrtificate

  B.All the blind and poor-sighted people

  C.The blind and poor-sighted with a cerrtificate

  D.Both healthy and disabled citizens

2.The users can enjoy reading books on LF1300 by          .

A. talking to the microphone    B.touching any key

C.touching its screen D.touching the hot key

3.What can be learned from the passage?

    A.This is the first time LG company has done something for the disabled.    B. Phone users don’t have to pay much to download the digital books.

    C.LF1300 has a less attractive outlook than any other top-line phone.

   D. The disadvantage of LF1300 is that it has too small internal memory.

4.The best title of the passage might be          .

  A.A New Type of Cell Phone is on the Market

  B.Mobile Phones Can Read Books for the Print-Disabled

  C.The Disabled will Benefit from Cell Phone Producers

  D. Advanced Technology Helps the Blind Read Books


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B      


AThe teenage girl who sat in Madeline Levine's office was bright and pretty. She came from a well-off family that loved her deeply. And she had used a razor(剃刀) to carve the word “Empty” into the skin of her left forearm. Outwardly, this girl seemed to have a happy life; underneath the surface, she was on the edge of disaster.

As a psychologist, Levine has noticed important changes in the type of problems that today’s teens have.She believes today’s parents are so busy working to make sure their children have the best of everything that,increasingly, we miss out on giving our children what they need the most: time, attention and unconditional love.

“All of us believe that we are somehow doing the best for our kids, and that this will help our kids lead the best life. But the things that help our children grow up to be normal and happy have very little to do with material goods,” Levine says.

A parent’s job is to ensure a kid works hard, believes Levine, but they need to be realistic about their child’s abilities, Most of us are actually rather ordinary. We should let children know everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

One teen told Levine his whole had been about preparing for college. Another was afraid to go home after getting cut from the school baskedball team-he felt terrible about letting his father down.

Kids who constantly feel they’ve disappointed their parents, and that they aren’t good enough, often end up depressed and suicidal(自杀). Children need to know they are loved unconditionally, even if they don’t make the football team or get A on every project. “At the end of the day, we all just want to go home, to a palce where we’re loved simply for who we are,” Levine says.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

  A.To tell readers a story about an unlucky girl.

  B.To ask readers not to judge a person by his appearance.

  C.To draw readers’attentionto teenagers’problems.

  D.To let readers know something about Levine’s job.

2.Levine believes that teen’s problems are caused by           

  A.too much pressure from themselves

  B.unrealistic parental expectaions

  C.increasingly competitive environment

 D.too much care and love from parents

3.It can be learned that parents should keep in mind that          .

  A.children don’t need material things

B.they should put children’s interests above all

  C.children have the right to choose their life

D.children should be loved for who they are

4.Children should be taught to know that          .

  A.no one is perfect      B.they can succeed by working hard

  C.life is not always smoothD.They shouldn’t disappoint their parents






One cold evening, I was waiting outdide for a taxi in New York city. Later, I was   1by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining

how  2New Yorks were. I knew my   3would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep  4and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.

I asked him why. He told me he had just come from JFK airport  5a custmer, which means $70 in lost fare(车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his

6.  Gradually, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article    7that the happiest people are those who give.   8,he hoped to have more chance to

9in his life, I was starting to    10being with him!

Arriving at my destination , I paid him, giving a generous tip. I alsopulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same    11of giving with you. Here's an extra little bit.   12it ,since you’re alreday   13$70 from JFK. But, if you want to experience the   14of the gift, give it to the next   15.”

For a monment I thought I was so   16! But the driver   17me by saying, “Sir,   I have a  18idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will gift the next rider for free.”

It was an honor meeting the driver and learning the lesson of    19,everyone is able to give and surprise   20with their generisity.

1.A.taken up         B.picked up      C.sent up        D.put up

2.A.serious          B.cruel          C.horrible       D.strict

3.A.ride             B.flight         C.way            D.distance

4.A.free             B.calm           C.busy           D.silent

5.A.with             B.without        C.for            D.to

6.A.delight          B.worry          C.unhappiness    D.surprise

7.A.saying           B.writing        C.telling        D.speaking

8.A.Otherwise        B.However        C.Besides        D.therefore

9.A.give             B.share          C.take           D.forgive

10.A.mind            B.regret         C.enjoy          D.hate

11.A.idea            B.action         C.practice       D.story

12.A.Forget          B.Keep           C.Put            D.Pay

13.A.up              B.in             C.down           D.out

14.A.force           B.energy         C.strength       D.power

15.A.passenger       B.conductor      C.stranger       D.tourist

16.A.bad             B.cool           C.silly          D.simple

17.A.disappointed    B.satisfied      C.surprised      D.encouraged

18.A.better          B.further        C.worse          D.newer

19.A.what            B.when           C.which          D.how

20.A.one             B.another        C.other          D.some



 is known to us all is that the 2012 Summer Olymic Games will take place in London.

A. It  B. What  C. As  D. Which



 Mr. Brown lay      awake all night wondering whether to leave or stay.

A.wide  B.well  C.much  D.very



 It was not until the train was out of sight      they stopped waving their hands.

A. when  B.before  C.since  D.that



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