满分5 > 高中英语试题 >
















参考词汇:节气,seasonal division point;祭祖in memory of one’s ancestors

Dear Li Jun,

    Glad to hear from you.I’d like to share my idea about studying abroad with you.









Best wishes, 


Li Hua


Dear Li Jun, Glad to hear from you. I’d like to share my idea about studying abroad with you. Studying abroad is becoming more and more popular nowadays. As far as I am concerned, we can learn advanced technology and get better prepared for the future if educated abroad. Besides, living abroad can broaden our understanding of a different culture. But on the other hand, we may be faced with many problems. Above all, you’ll have to speak a language and experience a culture quite different from your own. Being far away from your parents and friends may make you feel lonely and helpless. Finally, studying abroad costs much more than studying home. So, think twice before you decide. Choose the way that fits you best. (107 words) Best wishes,                   Yours,                   Li Hua








    Of all my teachers ,Mr. Moore is the one who impress me

most. He is 34, so he looks young for his age. And he’s one of

the most popular teacher in our school. Mr. Moore pays more

attention to his way of teaching, comparing with other teachers.

He tries different ways to make his classes actively and lively.

In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but understand

“why”. So, instead giving us answers immediately, he encourages us

to think by myself whenever he puts forward questions. With his help,

we’ve learned from how to settle problems. He leads us to such a

wonderful  world of “why” as we all admire and respect him.
















1.I worked as a       (秘书)in a trading company last year.

2.Unfortunately Tiuanic      (沉没)in a violent storm at sea on her first voyate.

3.He came here      (特意) to say hello to you.

4.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will attract      (政府)and people from across the world.

5.The young man stood there,      (假装)that nothing had happened.

6.High-rise buildings can be seen almost everywhere in      (现代)cities.

7.A tibetan girl was finally saved after she was       (掩埋)in the ruins for 54 hours.

8.They kept the romance alive in their      (婚姻)for 35 years.

9.The      (外国)guests were motored from the airfield to the restaurant.

10.People used to have many Chinese      (白菜)in store for winter.






一Hi, Bob.Would you like to go swimming this afternoon?

一I wish I could.   1.I have to write a composition. It must be handed in next Monday morning.

一Oh, is that for Mr.Smith’s class?

一Yes, I hav to study a long peom.  2.

一That’s hard.

一And besides, I also have to prepare myself for math and history. You know, math is especially hard for me.  3.

一Take it easy, Bob. I’ve beendoing well in math.  4.

一Oh, that will be great, Mary.

一All right!   5.

一OK, I’ll meet you in front of the library.

一Good luck to you.

  A.We can start right when I’m back from swimming.

  B.So I don’t know  how  I’m  going to do it at all.

  C.And I can help you with your history.

  D.But I have to spend the rest of the day in the library.

  E.So I’ll be happy to help you.

  F.My teacher asked me to read it in class next week.

  G.When will I start to help you with your math?




    It’s easyto laugh now.Ten years ago, companies like Netscape had to explain what “browser” means; the two founders of Google were just ordinary Stanford students. Over the past ten years, the Internet has totally changed everyday life for millions people around the world. Looking back over the last 10 years,the obvious question is: Where will the Internet take us in the future?

    One of the best places to start trying to answer the question is with a man widely known as one of the “fathers of the Internet”, Between 1968 and 1982, Vinton Cerf played an important role in developing the network technology for wider use. In a recent article, Cerf wrote that the believed the Internet would continue to enhance people’s life through suond, video, etc.Interestingly, he also noted with confidence that 90percent of all applications on the Internet had yet to be invented. In the more distant future, Cerf predicted that an interplanetary(星际间) Internet would connect the shuttle, ground stations and other spacecraft.

Meantime, back on the earth,a survey from the nonprofit Pew Internet and American Life Project from early last year looked at how the internet would affect our lives in 10 years’time. The study looked at a wide range of topics, and it found some concerns along with the celebration. On the top of list of worries is a cyber(网络) attack. Many Internet experts agree that computer criminals are simply waiting for the right opportunity to strike. According to the Pew study, about 66% Internet users believe at least one devastating(毁灭性的) attack will occur in the next 10 years. Howard Schmidt, Who has worked on security issues at Microsoft company, said, “We will have self-repairing and self-configuring computer systems that can effectively protect one’s computer, so one perform the fuction they want,” said Sehmidt.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.The Internet: What Causes Cyber attack?    B.The Internet: What Lies Ahead?

  C.The Internet: A New Revolution.            D.The Internet: A Britht Future.

2.Cerf feels confident of         

  A.online entertainment equipment application

  B.the connecting between the Internet and space

  C.the much wider application fro the Internet

  D.the rapid development of network technology

3.The underlined word “enhance” Probably means         

    A.improve    B.provide    C.distrub    D.ruin

4.The survey suggests that         

  A.many experts are worried about the wide use of the Internet

 B.most people welcome the changes brought by the Internet

  C.concerns are a necessary part of celebration in everyday life

  D.there are both celebration and worries about the Internet




    The sun is setting on a summer night. At the entrance to a deep dark cave, a few bats fly out high up into the air. More and more of the small creatures appear. Within a few minutes, a whole river of bats is pouring out of the cave, and they keep coming, millions and millions of them.

Sounds like a scary horror movie? Believe it or not, this scene takes place every night,all summer long,at Bracken Cave in Texas, where 20 million bats fly outside to feed on insects. Every March or April, Mexican free-tailed bats fly up to 1,000 miles from their winter home in Mexico to this cave, where they raise their young. Soon after they arrive, each mother gives birth to a baby. As many as 500 baby bats crowd into one square foot of space. All those badies create nice warm temperatures to keep them comfortable. If you’ve ever lost sight of your parents on a crowded playground, you may be wondering how mother bats recognize their babies. They use their sense of smell to recognize their own babies when it is time for the babies to nurse.

The cave, a quiet place in winter, filled with life all summer. Bat poop, called guano, soon covers the floor,prviding food for tiny organisms(微生物). And then come the bugs. Kennedy says, “you walk in with your headlight on and the floor of the cave is full of bugs. Insects are flying around, and bectles(甲虫) move slowly up you legs!”

    When the adult bats leave the cave at night of feed, they are helping humans.They eat tons of insects in a single night, including many pests that eat farmer’s crops. And they get rid of mosquitoes, too. When twenty million bats fly out of one cave opening, they make a column so thick that they show up on radar at the nearby airport. It can take three hours for all of them be to come out.

1.Mexican free-taled bats fly to Texax every March or April because          .   

  A.they can find lots of food    B.the cave is bigger

  C.they give birth to baby bats  D.they can protect the crops

2.The mother bat finds its baby by         

  A.smelling    B.hearing    C.touching    D.watching

3.The underlined word “poop” probably means         

  A.body     B.waste    C.food    D.cave

4.Whhich of the following is right?   

  A.As many as 500 baby bats crowd into one cave.

  B.It’s easy for all the bats to get out of the cave quickly.

  C.A mother bat will bear at least one babyb at at a time.

D.Bats eat many crop pests and mosquitoes.



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