满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What a pity! I missed meeting my boss a...

 What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was ______ in the traffic jam.

    A.broken up    B.kept away    C.held up  D.kept up



 The medicine works more effectively ______ you drink some hot water after taking it.

    A. as               B. until                C. although         D. if



 I don’t understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got ______ rough idea of _____ project plan.

    A. the; a           B. 不填; the            C. the; 不填            D. a; the



 Could it be in the room _________ we had a talk last night ___________ you left your keys ?

A. that; where     B. in which; where   C. where ; that     D. where ; where











.1. 仔细品读图画中的文字,要突出自己的感想,不要作简单描述;

.2. 词数150左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

   One day, OuYang’s mum was talking with his teacher. _____________________________

















A: Excuse me. Is this the check-in desk for(1.)F____ 830 to Los Angeles?

B: I hope so. That’s (2.)w_____ I’m going. I am going to study at a high school there.

A: Me, too. I’m very (3.)w_____. I’ve never been away from home for more than a couple of weeks before. Have you(4.)a______ somewhere to stay?

B: Yeah. I was able to find a host family(5.)t______ some friends of my neighbors. How about you?

A: I’ve only got somewhere for the first few days. It’s one more thing to worry about

(6.)a____ with studying, eating different food and speaking English all the time.

B: But that’s why we’re going, isn’t it?

A: You’re right. And that will help us to(7.)a_____ for jobs or universities back at home.

B: I have already decided to be a conductor. I hope to(8.)a______ a top American music

school next year. What are you plans?

A: I think I’ll see what this year is like before I make a(9.)d_____. I think I’ll miss rice and beans too much. I can’t eat at McDonald’s every day.

B: I’m sure there’s other food in the US. Look, the line’s moving. Shall we get seats together on the plane?

A: Great. You can help me keep mind(10.)o____ feeling homesick.



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