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Here are some of the most common reasons why kids hate school—and strategies(对策) to put them back on the road to success.

One fear that keeps children from enjoying school is separation    1. It most frequently occurs during times of family stress or    2a child is about to enter a new school.   3, parents can feed a child’s anxieties by the way they    4. With younger kids, watch how you say    5those first few days of school. A firm “Have a great day, and I’ll    6you up at 2:30!” is more confidence-inspiring than “Don’t worry, I can be there in ten    7if you need me.”

You can help your child    8fearful situations—from speaking up in class to taking tests—by rehearsing(预演)at home. Teach your child to    9thoughts such as “I’m going to give up” with “I can handle this.”

Without any    10, some kids dislike school .This may be the    11if your child is always alone, pretends    12to avoid class outings or give away treasured possessions in an attempt to be    13.

Often loneliness problems can be solved. A child may need to learn how to    14others in the eye when he speaks, or how to talk    15a whisper—or below a yell. You might teach a young child a few “friendship    16”, such as “My name’s Tom. What’s yours? Do you want to play games?” 

“A lot of kids who are very lonely have never been told anything    17about themselves,” says Miami    18Matty Rodriguez-Walling. “If a lonely kid is   19some area—computers, for example—I’ll often have other students work with him. That does    20for self-respect and helps the lonely child make friends.”

1.A. anxiety                B. excitement           C. anger                D. relief

2.A. while              B. since                C. when             D. as

3.A. Unfortunately      B. Happily          C. Luckily          D. Simply

4.A. teach              B. smile                C. learn                D. respond

5.A. hello              B. sorry                C. good-bye         D. thanks

6.A. call               B. pick             C. bring                D. put

7.A. hours              B. days             C. minutes          D. seconds

8.A. watch              B. control              C. express          D. handle

9.A. connect                B. fill                 C. supply           D. replace

10.A. friends               B. classmates           C. teachers             D. parents

11.A. condition         B. case             C. example          D. matter

12.A. violence          B. sadness          C. illness              D. independence

13.A. taught                B. refused          C. hated                D. liked

14.A. watch             B. look                 C. examine          D. observe

15.A. at                    B. above                C. to               D. over

16.A. openers               B. conclusions          C. thoughts         D. opinions

17.A. good              B. interesting          C. strange         D. magic

18.A. doctor                B. scientist            C. researcher           D. teacher

19.A. poor at               B. anxious about        C. skilled in           D. proud of 

20.A. less                  B. a lot                C. more                 D. a little


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C             6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.A            11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B                16.A 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B

 We’d rather our president _____ make the decision or scores of employees will be cast down.

A. won’t                B. doesn’t         C. shan’t              D. didn’t



 When I was a kid, my mother told me if I could not be a good loser, _____ there’s no way I could

be a good winner.

A. and               B. so               C. or               D. then



 Honesty is priceless. Stars, _____, need to take honesty seriously.

A. in short              B. in return            C. in particular        D. in reward



 Mary made a few changes to the design and made her own needle, _____ saving people a lot of


A. one               B. she              C. that             D. it



 The recent earthquakes have caused concern because they happen _____ population centers and

have caused huge damage.

A. to be hit             B. hitting              C. having hit           D. to have hit



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