满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---It’s the office! So you _____ know e...

 ---It’s the office! So you _____ know eating is not allowed here.

---Oh, sorry.

    A. may          B. will                 C. must             D. need



 I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face _____ day like that.

A. other         B. another             C. the other            D. others



 You mean the boy is only 12 years old? He seems much taller ______ his age.

    A. for              B. on               C. at                   D. with




6ec8aac122bd4f6e请根据右图表提示,以 “ Air pollution ” 为题,分析造成某城市空气污染的原因,并就如何解决这一问题提出一两条可行性建议





Air pollution

With the development of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious.                       






Dear friends,

    I’m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake

unexpectedly hit your hometown. F      with such a rarely-seen              1._______

disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed_____ we are all                  2._______

moved to tears. A friend in _____ is a friend indeed. Thinking                  3._______

about your _____(目前)situation, we can not wait a minute                 4._______

to _____ every effort to help you. On behalf of all my  classmates,             5._______

I, as the _____ (主席) of the students’ union, express our                     6._______

most sincere pity and care for you. B     , we make a                       7._______

donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, h      that it can                        8._______

help you go through the _____ (困难). A better hometown                     9._______

can be r     . Therefore, never give up whatever happens.                       10._______

  Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!

                                       Yours sincerely,

                                        Li Hua




Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that men and animals possess, if they are properly used. If fire did not hurt when it burnt, children would play it until their hands were burnt away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear did not, a child would burn itself again and again, because fear would not warn the child to keep away from the fire that had burnt him or her before. A really fearless soldier-and some do exist –is not a good soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is of no use to his army. Fear and pain are therefore two guards without which men and animals might soon die out.

In our first sentence we suggested that fear ought to be properly used. If, for example, you never go out of your house because of the danger of being knocked down and killed in the street by a car, you are letting fear rule you too much. Even in your house you are not absolutely safe: a plane may crash on your house, or ants may eat away some of the wood in your roof, and they later may fall on you, or you may get cancer !

The important thing is not to let fear rule you, but instead to use fear as your servant and guide. Fear will warn you of dangers; then you have to decide what action to take.

In many cases, you can take quick and successful action to avoid the danger. For example, you see a car coming straight toward you; fear warns you, you jump out of the way, and all is OK.

In some cases, however, you decide that there is nothing that you can do to avoid the danger. For example, you cannot prevent a plane from crashing into your house, and you may not want to go and live in a desert where there are no plants. In this case, fear has given you its warning; you have examined it and decided on your course of action, so fear of this particular danger is no longer of any use to you, and you have to try to overcome it. 

1.Children would play with fire until their hands were burnt away if _______.

A. they were given no warning beforehand

B. they didn’t have any sense of pain at all

C. they had never burnt themselves

D. they felt afraid of the fire

2.A really fearless soldier _______.

  A. is of a little use to his army

  B. is not afraid of battles at all

  C. is nothing but a dead soldier

  D. is easy to get killed in a battle

3.People sometimes succeed in timely avoiding dangers because _______.

  A. they are warned of the danger and take quick action

  B. they are quick both in mind and in action

  C. they are calm in face of danger

  D. they have gained much experience

4.It is implied but not stated that _______.

  A. fear is always something helpful

  B. too much fear is harmful

  C. fear should be used as a servant and guide

  D. fear is something strange and particular



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