满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.forbid A. former B. forward C. forget ...


1.forbid        A. former           B. forward      C. forget           D. support

2.racial        A. society      B. beneficial       C. political        D. boycott

3.private       A. voyage       B. update           C. relative     D. centigrade

4.steady        A. decrease     B. recreation       C. feast            D. widespread

5.agency        A. angry            B. agriculture      C. religion    D. cigarette


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

 Great changes ______ in my hometown.

   A. have been taken place      B. have taken place

   C. have been happened       D. are taken place















注意:1。注意书信格式           2。 词数120左右

生词:研究性学习 exploring study    surf the Internet































My aunt lives in a village far from my town.

  Last year she came to visit us and took me a                        1.________

little dog for my birthday present. It was a little black                       2.________

dog with white spots on. It was so lovely that I                            3.________

liked it at once. Every day after school I played the                       4.________

dog and it gave me much more pleasure. I was glad                       5.________

to have it as my companion. One day the dog went away                   6.________

and never came back again. All my families were out searching               7.________

for it but it was nowhere to found. How I worried                           8.________

about it all those days. A week later a letter came about                   9.________

my aunt saying that the little dog had returned                             10.________




1.She had many ________(失败) before finding the right method.         

2.After ten years of __________(婚姻), the couple were divorced.           

3.As we joined the big crowd, I got _________(分开) from my friends.       

4.We are warned that a cold current is_________(很可能)to come.      

5.The discovery is important for a _________ (各种各样) of reasons.    

6.Thundering is one of the natural _________(现象).                

7.Without any _________(犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out.

8.I found my father sitting in his chair, completely ________(吸引) in a magazine.

9.There is a lot of oil __________ (漂浮) on sea water.                        

10.I went _________ (城市商业区) to do some shopping today.                   





A: ___1.___?

B: I'm writing a letter.

A: But you don't often write . ___2.___?

B: I'm writing to my aunt.

A: ___3.___?

B: Just to thank her for giving me the birthday present.

A: But___4.___.

B: No , she hasn't sent me anything this year. I'm writing to thank her for last year's present.

A : Do you think she will understand you?

B : Of course ,my letter will help her remember___5.___

A : So you ' re expecting another present from her.


A . What do you want to tell her

B . that my birthday is coming soon

C . How are you

D .What are you doing

E .she hasn't sent you a present this year

F .She is not only my aunt but my friend as well

G . Who are you writing to



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