满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He ______ have attended the meeting thi...

 He ______ have attended the meeting this morning. He has been staying at my home for a whole day.

   A. can’t              B. mustn’t          C. shouldn’t        D. needn’t



 ______ another button and your meal is prepared and heated for you.

A. If you press      B. To press         C. Press          D. Pressing



 Many teens don’t get enough sleep because they have ____ homework, ____makes them stay up at night.

    A. much too; which    B. too much; that    C. much too; what    D. too much; which 



 —How about fried chicken?

    —Oh, it ___ lots of fat.

    A. remains       B. contains           C. holds        D. includes



 I failed in the examination last term and only then ____the importance of study.

    A. I realized        B. I had realized    C. had I realized    D. did I realize



 —Why don’t you take some exercise? Sitting before the computer is bad for your health.

   ---________, but I have to finish my work on time.

  A . Sorry, I won’t listen to you             B . I don’t think so

  C . Thank you for your kindness           D . It’s none of your business 



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