满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Flight Company _________ its costom...

 The Flight Company _________ its costomers top-quality service.

    A. provides         B. guarantees           C. gathers              D. applies



 He went _________ downtown to steal diamonds, and was put into _________ prison.

    A. a ; /                B. / ; the              C. the ; a              D. / ; /





1.abolish       A. anger        B. ancient     C. advance          D. answer

2.support      A. chorus           B. cube         C. unique      D. union

3.examine      A. exciting       B. exchange      C. example          D. export

4.sure          A. solar            B. Asia         C. solid       D. suffering

5.chain             A. christmas        B. chemical         C. school       D. chapter





1. 建议她去请教医生;

2. 以后少吃多脂肪的食物、少吃巧克力、冰激凌等甜食及油炸等垃圾食品。

3. 多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜;

4. 多进行体育锻炼,早睡早起,这样经过一段时间后,她又会变成一个活泼可爱的姑娘。


Dear Sharon,

I am sorry to learn that you put on weight day by day, which makes you worried.  ______










此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ^ ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。


It is on Sunday today. Early in the morning my              1.___________________.

classmate and I went to Xi Shan by bus to plant                 2._________________.

trees. As soon as we got there, we began work.              3.__________________.

Some were digging, some planted, and there were             4.___________________.

still some watering. Both of us were trying hard to         5.___________________.

plant as much as we could. We were all afraid of                6.___________________.

falling behind. After work, we were wet all over. Looking   7.___________________.

at the lines of young trees, we forget our tiredness. We        8.___________________.

came back at 12.We all think it is necessary of us to take     9.___________________.

part in this kind of physically labor.                          10.___________________. 





1.Christmas is one of the main ________________ (节日)in the United States.

2.Although he is over 70, he is still full of _____________(精力).

3.Be careful! This piece of statue is very _________________(珍贵的).

4.Although I hadn't seen Mary for years, I _______________(识别出) her voice on the phone at once yesterday.

5.The students are shown how to do many simple _________________(实验)in the lab.

6.He has very ____________(锐利的) eyes; he catches sight of things quickly.

7.The ______________ (主题) of the book is the relationship between people and nature.

8.Knowledge and __________________ (创造力) are equally important for a scientist.

9.It is _______________(极其地)hot outside. I have never experienced such a hot summer in my life.

10.Sixty _______________ (百分比) of the students in our class were against the plan, so he had to give in.



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