满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.Why does the writer introduce so many ...




1.Why does the writer introduce so many animals from different places to us?

    A. To frighten us in the zoo.           B. To make us lovely in the zoo.

    C. To attract us to the zoo.            D. To show that animals can do everything.

2.How much does Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?

    A. ¥3.         B. ¥4.         C. ¥5.         D. ¥6.

3.At which of the following time can we visit the zoo?

    A. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.             B. 9:30 a.m. Friday.

    C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday.                D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.

4.From the passage we can infer (推断) that a giraffe must be a very ______ animal.

    A. fat          B. short            C. strong           D. tall


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D        


要建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于表达,更要学会倾听。请你根据下面给出的提示,写一篇以“Being a Good Listener”为题的文章,字数100字左右。






promote understanding         人际关系:interpersonal relationship

消除代沟:narrow the generation gap      满足需求:meet one’s needs

包容:be open-minded to sth.

Being a Good Listener









A boy and his father were having walk in the                                      1._________

country when it suddenly began to rain very hardly.                                 2._________

They do not have their umbrellas with them, and there                               3._________

had nowhere to hide themselves from the rain, so                                    4._________

he soon got wet. While they were walking home through                               5._________

the rain, the boy was thinking for a long time. Then at                                 6._________

last he turned to his father and said to him, “Why did                                 7._________

it rain, father? It isn’t nice, isn’t it?” “No, it isn’t very                                  8._________

nice, but it’s much useful, Tom!” answered his father.                                9._________

“It rains to make the fruits and the vegetables to grow for us.”                          10._________





1.You can eat by _________ (蘸进) them in a little bowl of special sauce.  

2.The government made agreements with Native American _________ (首领).    

3.Smoking is strictly _________ (禁止) in the school.                          

4.It was _________ (贪吃,贪心) of them to eat up all the candy.           

5.Water _________ (吸收) a lot of heat without big changes in temperature.     

6.They have _________ (克服) many difficulties over the past few years.    

7.We have already made an ___________ (安排) for our vacation.             

8.They were all _________ (在船上) the ship last night.                    

9.They decorated the house _________ (不顾,不理) of cost.                     

10.Who will be responsible for the soldiers’ food _________ (供应品)?





Mike: Hello. ____1.____.

Bill: Yes, it is.

Mike: ____2.____.

Bill: What time do you need a taxi, sir?

Mike: My flight leaves at 2:30 this afternoon but I’d like to arrive at the station before 1:30. _ ___3.____.

Bill: From here? Where do you live?

Mike: Oh, I’m sorry. Live at 553 Mile End Street.

Bill: Let me see. 553 Mile End Street. I’d say that it would take about half an hour. We’ll pick you up at 1:00. _ ___4.____.

Mike: Yes, that will be fine. The driver will help me with my bag, won’t he?

Bill: ____5.____. He will help you.

A. Yes, the driver is young and kind-hearted.

B. I need a taxi to the airport, please.

C. Do you have anything else to declare?

D. Is it OK with you?

E. How long is the ride from here?

F. How much do you know about our city?

G. Is this the Banks Taxi Service?




For more than twenty years scientists have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television messages on spaceships travelling through space, on the chance that someone may be receptive to such message.

  Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to listen to signals from about 1,000 stars, all within 100 light years of Earth. In addition, they will scan the entire sky to "listen" for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight channels at one time. Scientists are looking for any signal that stands out from the background noise.

  Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, scientists find that five percent are like our sun. Perhaps half of them have a planet like Earth. Such a planet would be a reasonable distance from the star for temperatures to be right for the evolution (进化) of life. Based on the inhabitable (可居住的) planets in our galaxy, most scientists agree that chances are likely that one or more of these planets support some life.

  However, many scientists wonder whether intelligent life exists on other planets. Some believe that twenty years of searching without any intelligible messages shows that no one is out there. They say that the evolution of intelligence comparable to ours is unlikely.

Other scientists believe that our search hasn’t been long enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy. Although our sun family is only about five billion years old, our galaxy is about 20 billion years old. In that time, some scientists think it is likely that civilization much more advanced than ours have developed. Perhaps these civilizations send us no signals; perhaps we have not recognized the signals they have sent us. If we hope to find intelligent life, these scientists believe that we have to keep looking.

1.According to the passage, how many planets in our galaxy might be inhabitable?

   A. 5 billion         B. 10 billion           C. 15 billion           D. 200 billion

2.The first paragraph in this passage is mainly about __________.

   A. how scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

   B. why scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

   C. where scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

   D. When scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

3.The underlined word “monitor” in Paragraph two means “__________”.

   A. find              B. follow            C. check           D. form

4.Which of the following is TRUE based on the information in the passage?

A. The earth is the oldest planet in our galaxy.

B. All scientists believe that there is intelligent life on other planets.

C. Scientists are trying different ways to find signs of life on other planets.

D. Scientists will give up the search for signs of life on other planets.



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