满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He cut off the electricity immediately ...

 He cut off the electricity immediately he found the dangerous situation, thus ____ a fire accident.

A. prevented        B. to prevent   C. would prevent        D. preventing



 But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak, _____ he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.

A. as with          B. as for       C. as to                D. as when



 They form a polar molecule, ____ is, ____ with a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end.

A. which; that      B. it; one          C. that; one            D. one; that



 They find themselves surrounded by colorful rocks, fishes, seashells and plants, all ____ slowly in the blue water.

A. waving and moving  B. waved and moved

C. waved and moving     D. waving and moved



 Even though the pure water is ____ gives sea water its main properties, the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point.

A. the one          B. which                C. what                 D. that



 Mike is Mrs.’ pet student, ____ all her students no one else is as nice as he.

A. because          B. because of           C. with                 D. as 



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