满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is hoped that these new discoveries ...

 It is hoped that these new discoveries will throw ____ light upon such ____ mysterious natural phenomena.

A. a; a             B. a; /                 C. /; a                 D. /; /



 My bicycle is nowhere to be found. Who ___ have been using it?

A. should           B. must                 C. could            D. might



 He cut off the electricity immediately he found the dangerous situation, thus ____ a fire accident.

A. prevented        B. to prevent   C. would prevent        D. preventing



 But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak, _____ he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.

A. as with          B. as for       C. as to                D. as when



 They form a polar molecule, ____ is, ____ with a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end.

A. which; that      B. it; one          C. that; one            D. one; that



 They find themselves surrounded by colorful rocks, fishes, seashells and plants, all ____ slowly in the blue water.

A. waving and moving  B. waved and moved

C. waved and moving     D. waving and moved



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