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Reading about history is nice, but findi...


Reading about history is nice, but finding ties to long-ago historical events in your own back yard is really exciting.

  In their heavily populated area, neighbors Adam Giles, 13, and Derek Hann, 12, uncovered pieces of glass that looked quite different from what’s used today. “After digging about two feet down, I came across an interesting bottle,” Derek said. The bottle had a “scar” on the bottom, an indication that it was hand-blown rather than machine made. It also had the name “Fraser” on one side. Adam found remains of a green bottle and some very thick brown glass – again, far different from today’s.

  After doing research on the computer, the boys contacted Aimee Wells of the county’s (县) Cultural Resources Office. She showed them a computer program that digitally puts old maps over modern satellite photographs.   

  Bingo! Their back yards were once part of a military (军事的) encampment (营地) called Camp Alger used by Ohio soldiers on their way to fight in the Spanish-American War in 1898.

  So how do a few bottles get connected to a brief war that was more than a century ago? “We get there by good judgment,” Wells said. “We know the time period of the bottles and what happened in that area.” Anyone can dig a hole, but archaeologists(考古学家) seek a deeper understanding. How do the objects found relate to things around them?

  When Derek and Adam realized that a soldier might have held that Fraser bottle 110 years ago, they wondered what he might have been thinking. What did he see as he looked around him? How did he pass the time waiting to go into battle?    

  Historical records show that while waiting for orders, the soldiers in and around Camp Alger played baseball, played instruments and walked seven miles to the Potomac River once a week for baths. A spread of strange fever forced the closing of the camp, and there are no buildings to study. “What’s left is only what’s in the ground,” Wells said.

  Derek’s and Adam’s back yards have joined the 3,400 places listed on the county’s register of archaeological sites. The boys were given tips on how to dig effectively and safely, and on how to document the location of items found.

  The official record of their finds serves as another piece of the puzzle for historians seeking to form a more complete story of what happened.   

  “Not everybody is going to have historical objects in their own yard,” Wells said. “That’s okay. Make your own time capsule and bury it. What would you want people to know about your life years from now?”

1.What is the passage mainly about?  

 A. What Adam Giles and Derek Hann found in their back yard and its relationship with an encampment.

B. How Adam Giles and Derek Hann dug out the remains of an ancient military encampment.

C. The great contributions Adam Giles and Derek Hann made to the cause of archaeology.

D. The tips on how to dig out ancient objects buried under the ground safely and effectively.

2.From the passage, we can see that the boys’ discovery ______.  

   A. includes all kinds of hand-made and machine-made glass

   B. couldn’t have been meaningful without Aimee Wells’ help

   C. has helped historians find out what happened in 1898

   D. has added the county to the list of archaeologist sites

3.When Wells said “We get there by good judgment.” (Paragraph 6), she meant that ______.    

A. they have figured out how to get to the place where the brief war happened

B. they have established the ties to Camp Alger by finding out the time period of the bottles 

C. they have managed to dig out the bottles in the back yard safely with common sense

D. they were able to locate the soldier who used the Fraser bottles 110 years ago

4.Which of the following fits the description of historical records?

A. The soldiers in and around Camp Alger delighted in playing basketball in their spare time.

B. When Camp Alger was forced to close, all the buildings there were destroyed.

C. The soldiers in and around Camp Alger often buried some bottles underground as time capsules.

D. Camp Alger was forced to close because of a spread of a strange fever.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D        


In the virtual (虚拟的) world, she is a popular Kungfu writer Ling Feng. At school, she is a quick-witted party emcee (主持人) and competent student union leader. She is always one of the top three scorers of her grade and the winner of various academic competitions. Last week she became the only student to be recommended by her school principal (校长) to Peking University.

  She is 18-year-old Zhu Zhenhui of Haimen High School in Jiangsu, one of the 39 high schools from which Peking University will enroll students recommended by their principals next year.

  Zhu stood out among more than 30 candidates(候选人), but not only for her excellent high school reports and test scores. More importantly, she has performed outstandingly in other areas, which the principal believes will not cause the least controversy (争议) among students and teachers.   

  Zhu loves public speaking, in both Chinese and English. Her eloquence (口才) and quick mind make her an obvious choice to introduce ceremonies and parties on campus. As a news reporter and broadcaster on her school's radio station, Zhu has a keen sense of current affairs. The young journalist interviewed Sophia Ming Ren Leung, the first female Chinese Canadian senator (议员), when the politician visited a Nanjing school where she once studied. In the same year, she won the opportunity to question Kaifu Lee when the former Google vice-president appeared at a talk show on a local TV station.  

  Every Sunday Zhu chairs a student union meeting, where she leads discussion on timetables, events and routine (例行) work for the following week. Under her are the ministers of the union's six departments. “The work has made me organized and decisive,” she said. On November 21, at the invitation of Zhu and other union members, the famous gymnast Huang Xu attended the opening ceremony of the school's Sports Festival. 

  Some girls dream of being a princess, but not Zhu. Her fantasy is to be a knight (侠士) in one of Louis Cha (Jin Yong)'s or Gu Long's works. Her online novel, in the Jianghu World, is a huge success under her pen name Ling Feng. In the 120,000-character story, a girl learns to be tolerant and positive after an accidental journey to the ancient world. A book of the same title came out in June. “I'm working on the sequel (续集),” she said.

1.Which of the following is NOT the correct description of Zhu Zhenhui?  

A. An admired writer.                B. An eloquent speaker.

C. A gifted dancer.                  D. A born leader.

2.As a leader of the student union, Zhu has done quite a lot of impressive work EXCEPT _______.

A. interviewing former vice-president of Google

B. leading discussion on routine work

C. helping organize major events in school

D. inviting gymnast Huang Xu to attend Sports Festival 

3.What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?  

A. quick in mind                 B. fast in action  

C. speak quickly                 D. rapid in memorizing

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Zhu learns to be tolerant and positive after leading the student union.

B. Zhu’s first novel which has 120,000 different characters has come out.

C. The school principal recommended Zhu to be enrolled in Peking University because it would cause the least controversy.

D. The first female Chinese Canadian senator is Zhu’s schoolmate.  





James’s  New  Bicycle

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully   1the coins that lay on the bed.$24.52 were all that he had.The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!   2on earth was he going to get the   3of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was   4to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no   5asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to   6

There was only one way to get money, and that was to   7it. He would have to find a job. 8who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had   9on most things.  

That was the   10of James’s odd- job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the   11of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the   12of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the   13increased and he knew that he would soon have   14for the bicycle he longed for.

The day   15came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He   16no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode   17home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard   18for the money, so James knew that he valued his bicycle far more   19he had bought it with his own money. He had  20what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

1.A. cleaned        B. covered      C. counted      D. checked  

2.A. How        B. Why          C. Who          D. What 

3.A. amount     B. part         C. sum          D. rest

4.A. brave      B. hard         C. smart            D. unfair

5.A. point      B. reason           C. result           D. right

6.A. split      B. spend            C. spare            D. save

7.A. borrow     B. earn         C. raise            D. collect

8.A. Or         B. So           C. For          D. But

9.A. decisions      B. experience       C. opinions    D. knowledge

10.A . beginning    B. introduction     C. requirement      D. opening

11.A. similarity   B. quality       C. suitability      D. variety

12.A. brand     B. number           C. size         D. type 

13.A. effort   B. pressure     C. money        D. trouble

14.A. all           B. enough           C. much         D. some

15.A. finally       B. instantly        C. normally     D. regularly

16.A. gave          B. left             C. took         D. wasted

17.A. patiently     B. proudly          C. silently         D. tiredly

18.A. applying      B. asking           C. looking          D. working  

19.A. since         B. if               C. than         D. though

20.A. deserved      B. benefited   C. achieved     D. learned  



 _______ that all mountain roads were closed.  

A. So the dangerous weather  became

B. So dangerous did the weather become

C. So dangerous became the weather

D. The dangerous weather became so



 She was _______ reading a novel and didn’t notice the coming car.

A. occupied to       B. buried in        C. absorbed on  D. engaged to 



 In order to direct Qinghai quake relief work , President Hu Jintao cut short his planned tour in America and set _______ heading home early.  

A. about             B. off          C. out          D. up 



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