满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



你的生日快到了,父亲许诺将送你一份生日礼物。下面就是这份特殊礼物的描述。请你以“Father’s Gift for My Birthday”为题,用第一人称讲述这个故事。要点如下:










(Possible version) Father’s Gift for My Birthday My birthday of this year fell on last Friday. My father promised to give me a special gift. Last Friday morning, Father brought me to a village school in his hometown. The school had just one house with one classroom, which was small with dim light, and all the desks and chairs were made of rough boards. There were only 21 students, most of whom were boys. They were listening to the teacher attentively. The teacher told us, while their study conditions were poor, all the students studied very hard and two from the school even went to university last year. I was deeply struck by their stories. Not until then did I realize that it was my father’s gift for my birthday!






Tom and Dick are next door neighbour who work          1._____

in the same office so they walked together to and from          2._____

office. Some day as they were walking home together it         3._____

sudden started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella         4._____

and said, "My wife surely has foresight(预见). She             5._____

said this morning it would rain and tell me to carry my          6._____

umbrella with me." Dick smiled and walked to him, said,        7._____

"My wife has even great foresight. She told me not to           8._____

carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly          9._____

have with you."                                          10.____





1.Please _____________ (描述) Franklin’s kite experiment to us in details.

2.They are building a large ______ (核能的) power station.

3.Corbin is a super star. I really ______ (钦佩) him.

4.The world ______ (冠军), Deng Ya ping, will give a speech to us.

5.After ______ (毕业), Nancy found a job as a waitress in the hotel.

6.It is often used as ________(民间的) medicine to cure snake bites.

7.The ________(多数) of the students are against this plan.

8.She has thick black hair and smooth dark ______ (皮肤).

9.I _____ (认出) her by her red hat.

10.I was in good health and all of my ________(设备) was working well.





M:    1.

 W:Yes, That would be good.

 M:What’s the matter?

 W:    2.

 W:Did you lose your money?

 M:    3.

 W:I’m sorry. As far as I know these machines are always out of order.

 M:But I still want a cup of coffee, don’t you?

 W:    4.

 M:OK. Would you like me to carry the bag for you?

 W:No, thanks.     5.

 M:Well, let’s go.


A.Let’s go to the restaurant in the Students’ Center.

B.I sure did.

C.I can manage it myself.

D.Thanks for all your help.

E.The machine is out of order.

F.Would you like a cup of coffee?

G.Could you give me a hand with this?





Let children learn to judge their own work.  A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way, children are learning to do the other things they learn to do without being taught to___ walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bike, compare(比较) their own performances(行为) with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine(日常) work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.

1.According to the passage, the best way for children to learn thing is by __ _.

  A. listening to skilled people’s advice

  B. asking older people many questions

  C. making mistakes and having them corrected

  D. doing what other people do

2.Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

  A. Give children correct answers.

  B. Allow children to make mistakes.

  C. Point out children’s mistakes to them

  D. Let children mark their own work

3.According to the writer, teachers in school ___

  A. allow children to learn from each other

  B. point out children’s mistakes whenever found

  C. correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible

  D. give children more book knowledge

4.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are_ __

  A. different from learning other skills

  B. the same as learning other skills

  C. more important than other skills

D. not really important skills




    These days, most people in Britain and the US do not wear very formal(正式) clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right things.

    Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts you can put on what you like from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.

    But in Britain, as well as the US, men in office usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors and business people always wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women tidy dresses.

   In any ways, Americans are less formal than Britain people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look nice. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes.

   It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and follow suit. You’ll feel more comfortable if you don’t look too different from others.

1.People in Britain and the US wear informal clothes when they___

A. go out to enjoy themselves

B. are in offices

C. are in big restaurants

D. go out to work

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Women are not allowed to wear trousers in office

B. Lawyers always wear formal clothes even though they are at home.

C. American people are more formal in dressing than British people

D. Though everyone is different, they wear the same clothes in offices

3.“Anything goes” in the second paragraph means “___”

A. anything leaves

B. any clothes are acceptable

 C. all the things around are all right

 D. not any clothes are all right

4.Men wear ties when _ _in the US.

  A. they meet their wives

  B. they meet good friends

  C. they eat something expensive

  D. they have dinners in good restaurants



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