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Facial expressions carry meanings, which depends on situations and relationships. For instance, in American culture the smile is typically an expression of    1.Yet it has other functions. A smile may    2love, politeness, or    3true feeling. It is also a source of confusion across    4.    5, many people in Russia    6smiling at strangers in public to be unusual or even suspicious. Yet many Americans    7freely at strangers in public places. Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the wrong    8; some Americans believe that Russians don't smile enough. In Southeast Asian cultures, a smile is frequently used to cover emotional pain or mental difficulty, discomfort or anxiety.

Our faces make our emotions and attitudes known,    9we should not try to "read" people from another culture    10we would "read" someone from our own culture. The degree of facial expressiveness one shows changes    11persons and cultures. The fact that members of one culture do not   12their emotions as openly as members of    13does not mean    14they do not    15emotions. Rather, their cultures    16them expressing their emotion and attitudes freely.

If we    17people whose    18of showing emotion are not the same according to  19own cultural patterns, we may make the    20of "reading" the other persons incorrectly.

1.A. worried                B. surprise         C. excitement           D. pleasure

2.A. show               B. tell             C. sound                D. seem

3.A. cover              B. cultures         C. include          D. suggest

4.A. countries          B. cultures         C. nations          D. oceans

5.A. In a word          B. As a result          C. For example      D. On the contrary

6.A. keep               B. enjoy                C. continue         D. consider

7.A. stare              B. smile                C. look             D. shout

8.A. direction          B. manner           C. time             D. place

9.A. and                B. so               C. but              D. or

10.A. as                    B. though               C. unless               D. since

11.A. among             B. into             C. between          D. about

12.A. find              B. form             C. express          D. control

13.A. the others            B. others               C. the other            D. another

14.A. whether               B. that             C. if                   D. why

15.A. experience            B. use              C. bring                D. carry

16.A. feel              B. keep             C. prevent          D. make

17.A. think             B. observe          C. judge                D. watch

18.A. hopes             B. ways             C. thoughts         D. means

19.A. your              B. their                C. one's                D. our

20.A. answer                B. mistake          C. promise          D. use


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C     6.D 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A    11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A    16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.B

 I don’t think those curtains _______ very well with the wallpaper.

A. suit             B. go                   C. fit              D. match



 You’d better _______ your diet rather than eat the same food all the time.

A. vary        B. change           C. improve          D. exchange



 The book _______ forty maps, _______ that of Great Britain.

A. contains, includes                       B. is containing, including

C. includes, contains                   D. contains, including



 I know nothing about the young lady _______ she is from Beijing.

A. except       B. except for           C. except that          D. besides



 Scientists say it may be five or ten years _______ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A. after            B. before               C. since            D. when



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