满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The boy should be punished. You shouldn...

 The boy should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ______ cheating in the exam.

A. keep away from             B. keep away with

C. get away from               D. get away with



 You can only be sure of _____ you have at present;you cannot be sure of something _____ you might get in the future.

A. that; what    B. what; /

C. which;that   D. /;that



 The company was named Gates Hall ______ a man named James Gates.

A. in memory of       B. in search of

C. with the help of      D. in need of



 — Has Mary finished writing her article?

— No, and it _____ before class was over.

A. should be finished           B. should finish

C. ought to have been finished    D. should have finished



 —Your mother becomes more and more forgetful.

—Yes. She searched for her cellphone for a whole day last Sunday but it ______ in her coat pocket the next day.

A. turned out       B. turned on        C. turned over          D. turned up



 —Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?

—It ______ be Father, but I’m not sure.

A. can; must  B. can; may      C. must; can     D. may; must



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