满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Our listener question this week comes fr...


Our listener question this week comes from Abdullahi Farah, who wants to know about the life and work of Doctor Benjamin Carson.

Doctor Carson is an internationally recognized doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the hospital for twenty-five years. At the age of thirty-three, he became one of the youngest doctors in the United States to hold that position. And he was the first African-American to have that position at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Ben Carson is known for his work as a brain surgeon for children. For example, in nineteen eighty-seven, he led a team of seventy doctors and nurses in an operation to separate two babies joined at the head. Earlier attempts by other surgeons on other babies had failed. Doctor Carson successfully performed the operation. Both babies were able to survive independently.

Doctor Carson has written four books. His first book, "Gifted Hands," tells the story of his life. Benjamin Carson was born in nineteen fifty-one in Detroit, Michigan.

As a boy, Ben was not a good student. In fact, he was the worst in his class. When his mother learned of his failing grades she asked her sons to read two library books every week. She limited the amount of time they watched television. And she told them to respect every person.

Ben Carson soon became the top student in his class. He went on to study at Yale University, one of the best universities in the country, and later to medical school at the University of Michigan.

Doctor Carson has received many awards and honors. Last year he received the nation's highest civilian honor. Former President George W. Bush presented Benjamin Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony at the White House.

1.The passage is probably taken from _____.

A. a radio      B. a magazine       C. TV       D. a paper

2.What does the word “surgeons” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. nurses       B. doctors      C. hospitals    D. points

3.Benjamin Carson’s change in study was largely because of ______

A. his hard work        B. his teacher       C. his mother      D. his father

4.What’s the aim to write the passage?

A. To call on us to learn from Benjamin Carson.

B. To praise Benjamin Carson for his achievements.

C. To show us how Benjamin Carson succeeded

D. To introduce Benjamin Carson’s life and work


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D   



If your father never says to you “I love you” when you are a child, it   1to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows   2.

I do not 3hearing the words from my father when I was growing up.4, I could not recall(回忆) when I had  5said those words to him either.

One day, I decided to   6the ice and make the first 7. So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my   8and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad… I love you!”

There was a 9at the other end and he awkwardly 10, “Well, same back at ya!”

I was unexpectedly  11and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.”

Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 12asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”

A few weeks later, Dad   13our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “14” the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this   15moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new   16.Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly  17death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times   18, I have   19if I had not taken the first step and Dad not  20the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love.

1.A. works out      B. breaks out       C. comes out        D. turns out

2.A. wiser      B. busier           C. weaker       D. older

3.A. remember  B. enjoy            C. mind         D. regret

4.A. Truthfully     B. Fortunately      C. Naturally        D. Obviously

5.A. only       B. last         C. once         D. first

6.A. melt       B. break            C. strike           D. build

7.A. complaint      B. promise      C. move         D. impression

8.A. strength       B. ideas            C. words        D. attention

9.A. sigh       B. silence      C. voice            D. cry

10.A. refused       B. shouted      C. replied      D. explained

11.A. touched       B. frightened       C. shocked      D. annoyed

12.A. excitedly     B. nervously        C. willingly        D. sadly

13.A. continued     B. checked      C. concluded        D. interrupted

14.A. accepted      B. expected     C. learned      D. heard

15.A. quiet     B. difficult        C. special      D. different

16.A. level     B. idea         C. world        D. end

17.A. managed       B. escaped      C. avoided      D. faced

18.A. then      B. ago          C. before       D. since

19.A. realized      B. found        C. doubted      D. wondered

20.A. challenged    B. experienced      C. survived     D. received



 ----You didn’t come to the party yesterday.

---- ______? I’m not a party animal.

A. How can I have     B. How would I have     C. Why should I have     D. Why must I have



 ----Will you be ____ this afternoon , John?

----It depends. I’ m afraid I’ll be called in by my boss.

A. suitable         B. available          C. accurate        D. convenient



 ----Jack, can you make a sentence to ________ the meaning of the new phrase?


A. show off             B. turn out        C. bring out          D. take in



 _____ he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of group work.

A. Even though       B. Not until        C. Only before        D. Ever since



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