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Rest is critical to life and work and a positive attitude towards rest needs to be maintained. Enough rest is significant to our body and mind   1a lack of adequate rest, as well as  __2__ attitudes to rest, will do great harm to our health.

    Rest is vital to our ability to   3at our best. Recent news stories report that scientists are learning surprising things about the importance of sleep. There is enough __4_  suggesting that rest will refresh us,  5our body and mind to work efficiently. Besides, rest is important for   6that; it is helpful in setting   7goals and deciding what goals to attain first. Those who are caught up in extremely busy lives   8the time to think about what they are doing and to make objective   9, which blocks the maximization of their   10.

On the contrary, lack of adequate rest damages brain function, so much so that sleep experts have been able to   11drops in IQ in patients who are   12of sleep. Other studies have presented a negative effect on body movements in sleep-wanting subjects. It should not, therefore, be a   13that the California Highway Patrol has stated that sleep-wanting drivers are as great a   14to road safety as are drunken drivers.

However, rest is widely   15by some people. Instead of sleep, they go to pubs and clubs   16what they call social drinking or having a smoke with friends and they   17__   that this kind of entertaining is rest. Nowadays, the economy forces people to drink and gamble for the sake of the   18one moves in. The truth is that rest means not using our  _19both physically and mentally, even spiritually. We need to rest correctly and   20; otherwise, tiredness and illness will occur.

1.A. when             B. though         C. until          D. while

2.A. critical         B. misleading     C. puzzling       D. ambiguous

3.A. survive          B. create         C. function       D. advance

4.A. evidence         B. theory         C. belief         D. information

5.A. encouraging      B. enabling       C. persuading     D. concentrating

6.A. more than        B. rather than    C. other than     D. less than

7.A. ideal            B. appropriate    C. professional   D. high

8.A. afford           B. expect         C. lack           D. waste

9.A. comments         B. complaints     C. attempts       D. decisions

10.A. potential       B. limit          C. vision         D. goal

11.A. predict         B. evaluate       C. measure        D. assume

12.A. short           B. afraid         C. full           D. tired

13.A. fact            B. warning        C. rule           D. surprise

14.A. burden          B. reminder       C. threat         D. blow

15.A. accepted        B. valued         C. abandoned      D. misunderstood

16.A. with            B. like           C. as             D. for

17.A. claim           B. suggest        C. announce       D. promote

18.A. traps           B. circles        C. mysteries      D. power      D. troubles

19.A. judgment        B. time           C. labor          D. power

20.A. completely      B. partly         C. sufficiently   D. permanently


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B   6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A  11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B  16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C

 We all need knowledge from the past — ______ it comes from personal experience or from studying history. It is our only guide to the future.

A. as              B. whether           C. how              D. when



 The patient has tried quite a few kinds of medicine, but ______ had any effect on his disease.

   A. none            B. nothing           C. neither          D. no one



 I wouldn’t eat potatoes unless I’m really starving, in _______ case you eat almost anything.

A. whose        B. one           C. what              D. which



 One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) ______ in the number of natural disasters.

   A. account         B. reason        C. increase             D. occurrence



 World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, a grand-scale global event, has ______ the significant theme “Better City, Better Life.”

A. abandoned       B. adopted             C. advocated            D. adapted



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