满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Do you still often go to the cinema? —...

 —Do you still often go to the cinema?

—Not as often as I ______.

    A. used to          B. have to              C. was                  D. do



 Chongqing is ______ most beautiful mountain city and I’m sure to come for ______ second time.

A. the; a               B. a; a                 C. the; the             D. a; the



 —I just received a letter from one of my old school friends.


    A. How come?        B. You bet.             C. Congratulations!     D. That’s nice.




假如你是武汉某中学高中学生李华,英国一所中学将于下周一、周二组织学生来你校开展交流活动。期间,John Smith将借住你家。请你代表全家写信给John,欢迎他的到来。并告知有关活动安排。信的内容要点如下:

时间:                活动安排:

周一                  学校活动

周二                  游览市区景点

晚上                  看电视,玩游戏,聊天










1.I am trying to make up the time I lost _______________ (在我生病期间). (while)

2.My bicycle isn’t where I put it. Who _______________(可能移动) it? (move)

3.It was only when I had finished reading the novel once again _______________(我开始) to like it. (begin)

4.When _______________(问到他的秘诀) of his success, he said he owed much of his success to his family. (ask)

5.So _______________(这本书非常有趣) that I can hardly tear myself away from it. (interesting)

6._______________(我们生来具备的) is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language specific part of the brain. (born)

7.The house _______________(他付了) a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much. (pay)

8.The head master responded to the parents, saying their kids were _______________(太小而不能) attend school. (too)

9.They spent a lot of money _______________(装备学校) new computers. (equip)

10.My eye fell on the letter she _______________(留在) on the table. (leave)




Pupils are ordered not to wade into ankle-deep water unless teachers first carry out a full risk assessment and put“proper measures in place”.

Staff are expected to check rivers, ponds and the sea for currents and rocks before allowing children to dip their feet.

Guidance issued to schools warns that any“impromptu (事先无准备的) water-based activities”could pose dangers to children.

The recommendations were outlined in a document-available to all 21,000 schools in England — to help teachers organize more school trips. Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families is intended to cut red tape (官样文章) and give staff practical tips.

But the guidance caused argument after teachers were presented with a series of orders surrounding swimming and the use of minibuses.

It said:“Swimming and padding or otherwise entering the waters of river, canal, sea or lake should never be allowed as an impromptu activity. The pleas of young people to bathe — because it is hot weather, for example, should be resisted where bathing has not been prepared for.”

“In-water activities should take place only when a proper risk assessment has been completed and proper measures put in place to control the risks.”

Teachers are urged to check the weather, currents, weeds, rip tides, river or sea beds and breakwaters before allowing children into the water. No child should be able to swim deeper than waist height, the guidance added.

Margaret Morrissey, from campaign group Parents Outloud, said:“Wading out into the ocean is one thing but there’s nothing wrong with padding where the waves break.”

 “Part of children’s learning is to walk along the water’s edge and get your feet wet. There are dangerous currents further out and you stay at the edge.”

She added:“I want to see schools and youth groups taking advantage of opportunities that learning outside the classroom can provide.”

But the Department for Children, Schools and Families said teachers had to plan activities carefully.

“We are not banning padding,”said a spokeswoman.“We have seen cases in the past where things have not been planned and assessed for the risk. Unplanned activities around water can be dangerous.”

1.Guidance issued to schools in England gives the information that _________.

    A.school trips to oceans are forbidden in the country

    B.school swimming pools should be surrounded with fence

    C.school staff must plan water-based activities carefully

    D.school children shouldn’t have a walk along river banks

2.Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families shows us that _________.

    A.they are strongly against the guidance

    B.they are fond of the outline of the guidance

    C.they don’t understand the aim of the guidance

    D.they want the guidance to become more useful

3.To the guidance, Margaret Morrissey holds the opinion that _________.

    A.oceans are dangerous place for children to visit

    B.young people should be encouraged to learn outside

    C.children should learn padding in rough ocean alone

    D.schools should stop students from walking along beaches

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

    A.No padding on school trips, children told.          

    B.No walking along the rivers, teachers told.

    C.No swimming after school, parents told.

    D.No learning out of school, students told.



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