满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Standing on the top of the hill, you ca...

 Standing on the top of the hill, you can get a good ____________of the whole city.

A. view            B. sight       C. scene             D. look



 —— Has the robber been put into prison?

  —— Yes. He was _____________by the police when boarding a plane for Paris.

A. frightened          B. spotted      C. persuaded       D. informed



 It was not until all the milu deer ________ that we realized we should build a natural park to protect them.

A.died off        B.died away      C.died out       D.died down



 Do you remember a certain occasion ________ you were in trouble and at that moment I gave you a hand.

A.when            B.which         C.why           D.where



 ---- John, how did your English exam go ?

  ---- I thought I _________ , but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

   A.should have failed                B.couldn’t have failed   

C.might have failed                 D.mustn’t have failed



 No bread eaten by man is so sweet as ________ earned by his own labor.

A.one            B.those             C.it           D.that



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