满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The MCA Youth has expected more partici...

 The MCA Youth has expected more participants to join the trip to the Expo 2010 Shanghai ________ from May1 to October31 this year to explore the world.

A.being held     B.to be held                       C.having been held    D.held



 ----Can we borrow books from the library when it is completed ?

  ----Of course. It is _________ to every citizen only if you get a special card.

A.accessible     B.acceptable     C.reasonable     D.available



 I guess you could say that I am “one in a million”______, there are not many people like me.

A.In a word      B.In other words                    C.What’s more   D.Believe it or not



 It came as _____ great shock to us that many people lost their lives in _____ latest earthquake in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province.

A.a; a            B.a; the          C./ ; the       D.the ; / 





1. 北京是一座历史悠久的城市。

2. 十二月底你正好放假。你将带她去游览北京,参加你校组织的徒步旅行。

3. 希望她能住在你家,以便能和她多讲英语。

4. 要求她来信告诉你她到达北京的具体时间,以便到机场接她。




Dear Alice,

I’m very glad to have heard from you.______________________________________________


Best wishes to you and your family.


                                                             Li Mei











1.Many of them _____________________(对……有天赋) riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.(gift)

2.In my opinion, the new book written by the young writer_________________________(不值得一读).(worth)

3.How much money we should spend on endangered tigers _________________________(正被讨论) at the meeting now .(discuss)

4.The naughty boy is fond of _____________________________(捉弄)his friends.(trick  n.)

5.Many people have warned us of the danger. We ________________________________(最好不要冒险) by crossing the river as a short cut home. (chance)

6._________________________(众所周知) that pandas only live in China. (it, know)

7.The small town ______________________(我住过的) when I was a child has become a famous tourist attraction.(which)

8.You promised you would take the children camping, so you__________________________ (必须遵守你的诺言).(word)

9.Her sudden arrival did not ________________________(阻止他外出) .(go)

10.The children rather than the robot _________________________________(被迫) to clean the windows of the high building last week. (make)



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