满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

So convenient ______ that many people w...

 So convenient ______ that many people would like to do that.

   A. is shopping on net               B. shopping on net does

C. does shopping on net         D. shopping on net is



 —Shall I help you carry your travel case to the train, Granny?

—Oh, no , my boy. It is ________ heavy. Thank you, anyway.

A. so           B. not much     C. rather               D. not that



 The shop owner will get all these goods ordered ______ to the customers today .

A. to deliver      B. delivering       C. deliver          D. delivered



 Doctors in this hospital recommended that the patient ______ some light manual labor.

A. do           B. did          C. doing                D. done



 The truck ran down the hill, and the driver ______, according to the local newspaper, to have been killed.

A. was reported                     B. was reporting   

C. reported                     D. had been reported



 The book has been well received, but ______ actual sales, it hasn’t been very successful.

A. thanks to     B. in terms of  C. according to     D. regardless of



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