满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons on my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. The house and barn provided endless hours of  1for a city kid like me.

I still  2one afternoon when I was eight years old. Since my first  3to the farm, I’d wanted more than anything to be  4to climb the stone walls surrounding the property. My parents never  5. The walls were old. Some stones were  6,and others were loose and crumbling. Still, my desire to climb those walls  7so strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I gathered all my

8and entered the living room, where the adults had  9after Sunday dinner.

“I, uh, I want to climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly.  10looked up. “Can I ?”

11a chorus went up from the women in the room. “Heavens, no!” they cried in dismay. “You’ll hurt yourself!”

I wasn’t too  12. It was the response I’d expected. Yet,  13I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s booming  14. “Now hold on just a minute, ” he cried. “15the boy climb them. He has to learn to do things  16himself.”

“Run quickly,” he said to me. “And come see me  17you get back.”

For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls—and had the time of my life. Later I went to my grandfather to tell him about my  18. I’ll never forget what he said.

“Fred,” he smiled, “you made this day a(n)  19one just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly  20you are.” Many years have passed since then, but I still cherish his words in my heart.

1.A. trouble        B. challenge            C. interest         D. fun

2.A. imagine        B. remember         C. regret           D. cherish

3.A. sight          B. visit                C. access           D. entrance

4.A. expected       B. suggested            C. allowed          D. refused

5.A. approved       B. admitted         C. chose                D. decided

6.A. broken         B. lost             C. empty            D. missing

7.A. grew           B. spread           C. turned           D. appeared

8.A. strength       B. courage          C. belief               D. hope

9.A. arranged       B. gathered         C. discussed            D. organized

10.A. Someone       B. Nobody           C. Everyone         D. Anybody

11.A. Carefully     B. Immediately      C. Usually          D. Fortunately

12.A. disappointed  B. angry                C. delighted            D. worried

13.A. after         B. once             C. unless           D. before

14.A. sound         B. noise                C. voice                D. praise

15.A. Permit            B. Consider         C. Let              D. Stop

16.A. by            B. to               C. on               D. for

17.A. until         B. when             C. since                D. while

18.A. dream         B. burden           C. adventure            D. attempt

19.A. ordinary      B. special          C. curious          D. typical

20.A. why           B. what             C. how              D. as


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A     6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C    11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.C    16.D 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.D  

 Mr. White will come to the party on Sunday, _______ he promised to every one of us.

    A. when         B. that         C. what             D. which



 _______ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

A. It was we being late                  B. It was our being late

C. It was we were too late           D. It was because we were late



 China _______ a sharp increase in the number of aged people over the past decade.

A. sees          B. saw         C. has seen         D. will see



 Mr. Frank asked me a question _______ I could go with him to _______ he called the Treasure House the next week.

   A. that; which   B. whether; that    C. whether; what        D. that; where



 —The terrible accident is under investigation.

—Actually, quicker action ______ those workers trapped in the mine.

A. might have saved              B. must have saved     

C. should have saved             D. could have saved



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