满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tom appreciated the good chance to stud...

 Tom appreciated    the good chance to study in Oxford since he graduated from No. 4 High School in Shenyang.

A. having been given                                          B. having given

C. having been giving                   D. to have given



 Let’s make contributions to    world of the 21st century,    world of success and understanding each other.

A. the;/          B./;a                 C. a; the             D. the; a












1.词数:100~120. 开头已经写出(不计入总词数);



Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there came a kind of language called Web Language.                                                    













Dear Grandpa,

Thank you for your letter.

My school is organizing a basketball team and

there' s just a chance which I can join in. I'm little of           1._____

course, but terribly quick and bravely. While the others       2.______

are jumping about in the air, I can run under my legs               3.______

and get the ball. It will be lots of fun for practicing out        4.______

on the playground in the afternoon with the tree                5.______

around us all red and yellow and everybody laughing             6.______

and shouting. These are the happier girls I' ve ever           7.______

seen and I' m the happiest in all!                              8.______

I meant to write long letter and tell you all the               9.______

things I' m doing at school, but the bell was ringing,              10.______

so I just have to stop here.







Today about 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time(DST). Daylight Saving was first introduced during World War I in Australia. During the world wars, DST was used for the late summers beginning January 1917 and 1942, and the full summers beginning September 1942 and 1943.

In 1967, Tasmania experienced a drought. The State Government introduced one hour of daylight saving that summer as a way of saving power and water. Tasmanians liked the idea of daylight saving and the Tasmanian Government has declared daylight saving each summer since 1968. Persuaded by the Tasmanian Government, all states except two passed a law in 1971, for a test use of daylight saving. In 1972, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria joined Tasmania for regular daylight saving, but Queensland did not do so until 1989.

Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia have had irregular plans, often changing their dates due to politics or festivals. For example, in 1992, Tasmania extended daylight saving by an extra month while South Australia began extending daylight saving by two weeks for the Adelaide Festival. Special daylight saving plans were made during the sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

The differences in daylight saving in Australia continue to cause serious problems in transport and many other social activities. It also reduces the number of hours in the working day that are common to all centers in the country. In particular, time differences along the east coast cause major difficulties, especially for the broadcasters of national radio and television.

1.Daylight Saving Time was introduced in Tasmania ________.

A. to save water and electricity        B. to support government officials

C. to pass a special law in the state   D. to stop the drought in 1967

2.According to the text, which state was the last to use DST?

A. Victoria.                            B. Queensland.

C. South Australia.                     D. New South Wales.

3.What can we learn about DST in some Australian states?

A. It lasts for two weeks.          B. It is not used in festivals.

C. Its plan was changed in 2000.        D. It doesn't have fixed dates.

4.What do we know about the use of DST from the last paragraph?

A. There exist some undesirable effects.

B. It helps little to save energy.

C. It brings about longer working days.

D. Radio and TV programs become different.




It’s not a particular brain region that makes someone smart or not smart. Nor is it the strength and speed of the connections throughout the brain or such features as total brain volume. Instead, new research shows, it’s the connections between very specific areas of the brain that determine intelligence.

“General intelligence actually relies on a specific network inside the brain, and this is the connections between the gray matter, or cell bodies, and the white matter, or connecting fibers between neurons(神经元),”said Jan Glascher, lead author of a paper appearing in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The results weren’t entirely unexpected, said Keith Young, vice chairman at Texas A﹠M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Temple, but “it proves that good communication between various parts of brain are very important for this general intelligence.”

“People noticed a long time ago that, in general, people who are good test-takers did well in a lot of different subjects,”explained Young. “If you’re good in mathematics, you’re also usually good in English. Researchers came up with this idea that this represented a kind of overall intelligence.”

Hoping to learn more, some experts located 241 patients who had some sort of their lesions (损害). They then diagrammed the location of their lesions and had them take IQ testes. “We took patients who had parts of their brain damaged, tested them on intelligence to see where they were good and where they were bad, then we connected those scores across all the patients with the location of the brain lesions,”Glascher explained. “That way, you can know the areas that are associated with reduced performance on these tests, which means these areas are really important for general intelligence.”

“These studies suggest results based on the absence of brain tissue (组织),”added Paul Sanberg, famous professor and director of the University of South Florida Center. “It allows them to systemize and find areas important to intellingence.”

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A. General Intelligence Depend on Brain Volume

    B. Scientists Explain Mysteries of Intelligence

    C. Science Research Done on Human Brain

    D. Brain Lesions Cause Patients Stupid

2.According to Keith Young, we can infer that       .

    A. the parts of brain are working smooth on their own

    B. a person good at maths has obstacles learning languages

    C. overall intelligence will make a person successful

    D. Jan Glascher’s article really shocks the world

3.Why did experts locate 241 patients with some sort of brain lesions?

    A. To diagram the location of their lesions.

    B. To take IQ tests to the patients.

    C. To know more about the secrets of intelligence.

    D. To take better care of the patients.

4.From the diagram, the experts concluded that       .

    A. the absence of brain tissue will influence intelligence

    B. the brain lesions can improve the performance

    C. patients with brain lesions will get a high score

    D. Some areas totally determine the ability of intelligence



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