满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— How many jobs _______ Collin Manning,...

 — How many jobs _______ Collin Manning, the exchange teacher to our school, has done?

— Five, _______ cook to teacher.

A. is it that; ranged from            B. are there what; ranging from

C. is it that; ranging from           D. are there what; ranged from



 — I went to work on foot yesterday, though it _______ cats and dogs.

— You _______ by bus. It was easy for you to get a cold.

A .is raining; must have gone         B. rained; would go      

C. have rained; could have gone       D. was raining; should have gone



 They earn a great deal, but they can’t balance their _______ because the wife is often ill.

A. plan            B. budget          C. project         D. prediction



 Nobody but doctors or nurses and those _______ by Dr. Hu _______ to enter the patient’s room.

A. invited; is allowed                B. inviting; are allowed  

C. are invited; is allowed            D. invited; are allowed



 Many of the creatures in Rowling’s world are not real, and much of ________ happens is strange.

A. which           B. that            C. it              D. what



 ______ back, they talked about the persons and things ______ they could remember at school.

A. In the way; when                   B. All the way; which C. In the way; what   D. All the way; / 



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