满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




To the man in the fog,

I’d like to thank you for your kind help in the terrible fog last week. I was so frightened --- I could hear my   1beating very fast, but you made me feel safe with your kindness.

That Monday, I tried to take my usual bus home  2the fog got too thick, but the bus conductor told me to go to Green Park  3Underground and find a taxi there. I followed his advice. When I arrived at Green Park and got to the station entrance, it was deserted. The fog lay like a thick grey  4. Weather that bad is really rare(罕见的) these days. It was impossible to  5a taxi.

I had to walk in the fog. I became frightened as I could hear footprints but couldn’t see anyone. You spoke to me and offered   6. You took my hand and  7me confidently through the foggy streets to my house. Your hand was rough but strong and warm. Imagine my surprise when you told me you were  8! I wanted to invite you to my house to rest for a while, but you left  9quickly to help other people who were lost in the fog. I regret that I didn’t have the chance to express my thanks to you. If anyone knows this   10man, please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him personally.

            Polly Townsend

1.A. heart          B. mind             C. eyes             D. hands

2.A. so             B. before               C. if               D. until

3.A. with           B. in               C. by               D. into

4.A. forest             B. silk                 C. snow                 D. cloud

5.A. find           B. carry                C. break                D. shout

6.A. some money     B. a pen            C. a taxi               D. help

7.A. asked          B. led              C. told                 D. called

8.A. tired          B. deaf             C. blind                D. weak

9.A. so             B. too              C. only                 D. enough

10.A. poor          B. kind                 C. interesting          D. funny



1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A    6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B

 Polly likes playing basketball very much, _______ she can’t play it very well.

A. so               B. nor              C. and              D. but



 “_______ I be here before 8:30 tomorrow?”

    “No, you don’t have to.”

    A. Must             B. Can              C. Will             D. May



 Mr. Black raised his voice to make people in the back of the room _______ him better.

   A. hear              B. hearing          C. to hear              D. heard



 Jane is a girl _______ is always cheerful in face of difficulties.

    A. which                B. whom            C. whose                D. who



 The food they offered on the plane ________ really delicious. .

    A. is                   B. are              C. was              D. were



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