满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- Is there any possibility of the fil...

 --- Is there any possibility of the film ____ in Paris International Festival?

   --- Not in the least, because the audience generally think little of it.

   A. trying out      B. tried out      C. to try out     D. being tried out



 --- Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?

   --- I have seldom had any chance to come back to the hometown ____ I was sent to Beijing ____ the project.

   A. as; in the charge of              B. since; in charge of

   C. as; in charge of                 D. since; in the charge of



 Not only ____ strict with us, but also ____ for us.

   A. was the teacher; did he care      B. was the teacher; he cared

   C. the teacher was; did he care      D. the teacher was; he cared



 “Dear, if you listen to me, you ______ have some candies as a reward,” the woman told her little son.

A. shall         B. do            C. should          D. must



 --- When will your father be back home?

   --- ____ twelve o’clock.

   A. In            B. Since         C. Until           D. After



 His advice made me happy, but ____.

   A. making others angry             B. to make others angry

   C. others angry                    D. his advice others angry



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