满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tony, mind your manners. Don’t _______ ...

 Tony, mind your manners. Don’t _______ while others are talking.

    A. cut in           B. cut off              C. cut down         D. cut up



 ________ seems to be no possibility _______ the shy girl can win the first prize in the contest.

    A. There; that      B. It; that             C. There; whether       D. It; whether



 ________ in a new country, I was scared and feeling pretty anxious.

    A. For the first time                       B. I was the first time

C. Being the first time                 D. This being my first time



 ---What do you expect your son to succeed in?

   --- _________ the entrance exam.

    A. To pass      B. Passing          C. Get past         D. Past



 Women prefer to think and then speak, while men like to speak as they _________.

   A. think         B. have thought     C. thought          D. are thinking



 ---When did the young man save you?

   ---January 1st,2000, the first day of the new century,_______ I can never forget.

   A. when          B. which                C. that             D. where



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