满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There’s a man in the habit of hitting me...


There’s a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella. At first I couldn’t stand it, now I’m used to it.

I don’t know his name. I know he’s average in appearance, wears a gray suit, and has a common face. I met him five years ago one hot morning when I was sitting on a tree-shaded bench in Palermo Park, reading the paper. Suddenly I felt something touch my head. It was the very same man who now, as I’m writing, keeps hitting me, mechanically (机械地) and impassively, with an umbrella.

On that occasion I turned around filled with anger. He just kept on hitting me. I asked him if he was crazy, he didn’t even seem to hear me. Then I threatened to call a policeman. Calmly, cool as a cucumber, he stuck with his task. After a few moments of hesitation, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and hit him on the nose. The man fell down, but he immediately got back on his feet, obviously with great effort, and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella. His nose was bleeding and, at that moment, I felt sorry for him. I felt regret for having hit him so hard. After all, the man wasn’t exactly hitting me; he was merely tapping me lightly with his umbrella, not causing any pain at all. Of course, those taps were extremely bothersome. As we all know, when a fly lands on your forehead, you don’t feel any pain; what you feel is annoyance. Well then, that umbrella was one huge fly that kept landing on my head time after time.

Convinced that I was dealing with a madman, I tried to escape. But the man followed me, wordlessly continuing to hit me. So I began to run (I should point out that not many people run as fast as I do). He took off after me, trying to land a blow. The man was out of breath so that I thought, if I continued to force him to run at that speed, he would drop dead right then and there. 

1.When the man began to strike the author with an umbrella, the author ________.

   A. became angry

   B. called the police

   C. turned around and escaped

   D. turned around and fought back

2.The author would most probably agree that the man was ________.

   A. deaf          B. blind           C. dead           D. mad

3.The author felt sorry for the man because ________.

   A. the man formed a bad habit of beating others

   B. he hit the man so hard that his nose bled

   C. the man couldn’t catch up with him

   D. there was a fly on the man’s head

4.It can be learned from the passage that the man ________.

   A. shouted loudly while hitting the author

   B. wanted to tell the author something

   C. ran after the author breathlessly

   D. acted as if he were a fly


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C        



It used to be our custom to take handmade baskets to friends on May Day. We would   1baskets on a doorstep, knock on the door, and then run away as fast as our legs could   2us. It was delightful to peer (窥视) around a bush and watch our friends open their   3and pick up the colorful gift,   4who had left it out for them.

I clearly   5the May Day of the year when I turned ten. That year I was faced with a(an)   6involving one of my dearest friends, Pam. We had studied and   7together nearly every day, but things   8after a new family had moved into our small town. Pam was spending more and more time at their house and I felt   9and left out.

When my mother asked me   10I was going to take a May Day basket to Pam’s house, I responded   11, “Absolutely not! I hate Pam.” I began to cry.

Mom wiped away my   12and told me that things and people change. She explained that one of the greatest things friends can do is to give each other a   13to grow, to change and to develop, and that it’s   14for one’s friends to spend time with other people.

 I   15decided to give Pam a basket as a sign of forgiveness, and asked my sister to help me do it. As we watched from our   16place, Pam picked up the basket and said loudly enough for us to hear, “Thank you, Susie, I hoped you wouldn’t   17me!”

That day, I made a   18that changed my life: I decided to hold my friends tightly in my heart, but   19in my expectations of them, allowing them   20to grow and to change—with or without me.

1.A. hang              B. place         C. throw           D. give

2.A. send              B. transport     C. carry           D. support

3.A. baskets           B. eyes          C. arms            D. doors

4.A. asking            B. wondering    C. mentioning      D. informing

5.A. remember           B. experience                     C. remind         D. grasp

6.A. plan              B. task          C. opportunity     D. challenge

7.A. lived             B. played        C. traveled        D. discussed

8.A. failed            B. finished      C. changed         D. proved

9.A. started           B. hurt          C. paid            D. injured

10.A. why               B. what         C. whether         D. how

11.A. anxiously         B. weakly       C. angrily         D. happily

12.A. tears                           B. thoughts           C. unhappiness      D. freedom

13.A. reason            B. means         C. chance          D. direction

14.A. able              B. impossible   C. acceptable      D. doubtful

15.A. nearly            B. hardly        C. finally         D. generally

16.A. covering         B. hiding       C. cheering        D. passing

17.A. miss             B. forget        C. disturb         D. control

18.A. decision         B. mistake      C. suggestion      D. difference

19.A. deeply           B. shortly       C. highly          D. loosely

20.A. time             B. space         C. sense           D. care



 — Are you getting a new apartment this year?

— ________ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new apartment.

A. Don’t mention it.                 B. You must be joking.

C. Are you sure?                      D. Good idea.



 As far as I know, he is seldom, _______ , late for school.

A. if so         B. if never        C. if ever         D. if any



 — My mum is a typist.

   — I know this sort of work _______ skill and speed.

A. asks for      B. looks for       C. calls for       D. pays for



 — You were out when I dropped in at your house.

— Oh, I _______ for a friend from England at the airport.

A. was waiting    B. had waited     C. am waiting      D. have waited



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