满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— My English is really poor. Could you ...

 — My English is really poor. Could you give me some advice?

— If you made ______ most of your time, there would be ______ big improvement.

A. 不填; 不填     B. the; 不填        C. the; the     D. the; a




例:have     A. gave            B. save              C. hat            D. made



A. prove       B. above       C. long        D. lonely


     A. recent      B. forest      C. fresh       D. cruel


     A. honour      B. pour        C. tour        D. ourselves


     A. chain       B. church      C. stomach     D. machine


     A. though      B. cough       C. enough      D. laugh








1. 兴趣是最好的老师;


1. 有的选修课与高考无关;






参考词汇:选修课-optional courses

Dear Editor,

Recently, my classmates have had a heated discussion about whether we should have optional courses in high schools. ___________________________________________________



Yours truly,

                                                              Li Hua










1.Don’t refer to a ______ (词典) every time you come across a new word.   

2.She asked us to give her an ______ (立刻的) answer.                    

3.______ (比较) to our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.        

4.He got up early in order to catch an early __________ (航班).                  

5.The ______(土豆)he picked out were weighed without short measure.  

6.The flight was badly ______ (推迟) because of the heavy fog.               

7.After a good rest, her health is _________(渐渐地) picking up.             

8.It happened in ______ (七月) when the weather was very hot.                

9.Do you think everyone in western countries ______ (相信) in God?       

10.The outing was well ______ (组织) and everyone felt excited.        






— Good morning.      1..

— Yes. I’d like some information about English courses in your college.      2.

— Yes, there’s a beginners’ course on Monday evenings at 7:30.

— On Monday?      3.

— Yes, I’m afraid so.

— Well.      4.But do you think you’ll have a course on some other night in the future ?

— Well.     5.Perhaps we will offer one in the future.

A. I work on Mondays, so I’m afraid that’s no good for me.

B. Do you have any courses for complete beginners?

C. Is that the only course you’ve got?

D. Why not come earlier?

E. Can I help you?

F. I want to have English lessons.

G. Wait for some time, please.




Illegal removal of coral(珊瑚) along Sri Lanka’s coastline increased the amount of destruction on the island by last December’s tsunami, say researchers.

Harindra Fernando, a fluid dynamicist (力学家) at Arizona State University in Tempe, made the connection after a visit to his native Sri Lanka earlier this year. While serving as a scientific expert and translator for a BBC-documentary team, he chatted with locals who said they saw the tsunami turn sideways when it hit coral—which would have made it less powerful than in coral-free areas. Fernando linked this to trucks he had seen last year carrying piles of coral away from the sea.

Using the eyewitness reports, estimates (估算) of wave heights, and a series of divers to check the presence or absence of corals, Fernando and his colleagues produced a map of coral gaps and wave flooding along Sri Lanka’s southwest coast.

The tsunami reached significantly farther inland through the gaps: in one instance, the water traveled 1.5 kilometres long and knocked a passenger train off its tracks, killing 1,700. But only a few kilometers away, where the coral was still undamaged, the wave travelled just 50 metres inland and caused no deaths.

There is a similar phenomenon. In Nicaragua in 1992, a tsunami poured through a break in the coral reef made to let boats through. “Within this passage, water went one kilometre inland,” says Fernando. “But nearby, where the coral was undamaged, there were still beach umbrellas standing.”

In Sri Lanka, coral is illegally mined to provide souvenirs for tourists, or to be used in house paint. Coral harvesters sometimes blow it up with dynamite (炸药) in order to collect fish at the same time. Often, the reefs in the best shape are those in front of hotels, as the hotel owners maintain them for the tourists. Fernando hopes that his findings will encourage the Sri Lankan government to enforce(实施) its laws against coral mining.

1.Harindra Fernando did all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. serving as a translator for a BBC-documentary team

B. helping the Sri Lankan government enforce its laws against coral mining

C. producing a map of coral gaps along Sri Lanka’s southwest coast

D. linking the coral removal with the destruction of Tsunami

2.The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that________.

A. undamaged coral can greatly decrease tsunami damage

B. coral-free area is a danger to passenger trains

C. in general, water travels 30 times farther inland in a coral-free area

D. it is urgent to enforce laws against coral mining

3.Which of the following may NOT be the cause of coral gaps?

A. Boat passages.                    B. Tourists’ sightseeing.   

C. Fish collecting.                  D. Tourists’ souvenirs.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Harindra Fernando, a Great Environment Protector

B. Stop Using Coral as Souvenirs

C. Coral Cried “Help! Help!”

D. Coral Mining Enhanced (加剧) Tsunami Damage



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