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How did a high school football coach bui...


How did a high school football coach build a championship dynasty by never playing to win? In Smith Center, Kansas, Roger Barta, 64, a longtime coach and former math teacher at Smith Center High School, wearing a red shirt, stood before his players. “…Guys. We don't talk about winning and losing. We talk about getting a little better every day, about being a team.” Over the next four months, his team went on to beat other teams, winning another perfect season.

Barta grew up in Plainville, and when a back injury ended Barta's playing career, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to be a college student. One summer, he took a job in the Kansas oil fields. It took him a single rainy day of working in the field to realize that university was for him. “I almost froze to death,” he says. He looked around at his co-workers, who were aged beyond their years. "They were all missing fingers and teeth. I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life."

He returned to Fort Hays State to earn a mathematics degree and went on to get a master's in math education at the University of Georgia. Today, Barta spends as much time helping players figure out what they want to do with their lives as he does coaching.

To most kids here, Barta is not just a winning coach but also a mentor(导师,顾问). Barta insists that the members of his team be well-rounded. During last year's playoffs(附加赛), for instance, Joe Osburn was struggling with Macbeth in English class. Barta told him that either he mastered Shakespeare or his season was finished. Barta got the captains involved, and they took turns quizzing Osburn on his lines of Shakespeare. He pulled his grades up and kept playing.

“Roger likes everything about football,” says Barta's wife, Pam. “But what he loves most is watching the boys learn a little more.”

1.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

    A.How Barta built a championship dynasty?

B.Barta’s career as a coach.

    C.How Barta taught his students football skills.

    D.Barta’s attitude towards winning and losing.

2.From the the passage we know Barta        .

    A.hurt his back in an oil field   

B.didn’t want to be a college student

C.wasn’t satisfied with being an oil worker

D.began his playing career at high school

3.Which of the following statements about Barta is TRUE??

    A.He earned his master’s degree from Fort Hays State.

    B.He helps his players deal with life.

    C.He likes Shakespeare very much.

    D.He loves football more than anything else.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A.How to Be a Good Football Coach

    B.A Brief Introduction to Roger Barta

    C.Coach and Math Teacher—Roger Barta

    D.Life Coach—Roger Barta


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D  


When you think of snowy winter festivals, Sapporo in Japan probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. In Japan, there are winter festivals every year that draw great crowds and offer lots of attractions to everybody.

The biggest one is the Sapporo Snow Festival which is held every year in February on Japan's snow covered northern island, Hokkaido(北海道). The Sapporo Snow Festival was the first of its kind held in Japan, and it is still the biggest. Every year, 2 million snow lovers rush to Sapporo, the biggest city in Hokkaido, to enjoy the Snow Festival in the first two weeks of February. At the Festival, you can see hundreds of snow sculptures made by artists from all over the world. Some are a couple of building stories high and weigh tons. There are ice sculptures too, and ice bars where you can go inside and have a beer.

The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in the 1950's by a group of high school kids. Feeling very bored in winter, they started a snow sculptures competition. Every year, more kids took part in the competition and now the festival draws snow artists from 15 different countries. There are also musical performances, light shows, and snowball fights.

Every major area has its own snow festival. One of the most popular is the Iwate Snow Festival. It's held in the small town of Shizukuishi in early or mid-February. Iwate is also famous for its yearly fireworks displays, where festival-goers can watch the colors reflected off the snow. In Iwate, you can see traditional Japanese musicians and dancers perform on floats.

If you want a truly unique winter festival experience, northern Japan is a great place to go. Just make sure you dress warmly.

1.Why is the Sapporo Snow Festival famous in Japan?

A.The snow in Hokkaido is very thick.

B.it is the first and the biggest in Japan

C.There are lots of snow sculptures there.

D.its snow sculptures are the highest.

2.When is the Sapporo Snow Festival held in Japan?

A.In late February.

B.From January to February.

C.In the first two weeks of February.

D.Two weeks before February.

3.Who started the Sapporo Snow Festival at first?

A.The government of Sapporo.

B.Artists from all over the world.

C.Kids who liked outside activities..

D.A group of high school students.

4.The author wrote the passage to _______.

A.introduce Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival

B.attract people to take part in northern Japan’s winter festival

C.introduce Japan’s winter festival activities

D.tell us the history of Japan’s winter festivals





“I’m going to make you attractive,” said Mika Hill, looking at the  1of the woman sitting before her. The women once had long,  2, dark hair. But alopecia(秃头症) had  3her just a little of it. Hill, a wig(假发) maker, was about to change that.

At 30, Hill knows from experience how a woman feels when she  4her hair. Her own hair fell out several years ago  5a lack of iron after giving birth. “I cried when I washed it, when I combed it, and when I looked in the  6,” she says. Then she bought a wig. “It was too small,” she says, “but my   7went up greatly.”

Hill enrolled(注册) in a wig-making  8in New York. Back home with what she learned, she started making wigs that she planned to   9for $300 each.

But many of her customers with alopecia and cancer couldn’t  10that much, and their health insurance often didn’t  11the cost. So Hill started giving the wigs away, eventually spending $10,000 of her own money. Last year, she and her friend Lita Warren  12Pink Barrette, a non-profit organization that has  13about 60 wigs to poor women.

Hill pays  14the donations with profits from her other products.   15, she and her husband have also spent much of their savings keeping the organization running.

Hill’s customers can’t thank her enough. Elyssa Montoya was too   16to be seen in public with her  17thinning hair. “I didn’t feel I could show my bald head outside. Thanks to Mika, I now have beautiful hair, and feel 18about myself again.”

“Seeing their self-confidence   19after they try on their wigs,” says Hill, “brings   20to my eyes. This is a job for me, and a most rewarding one.”

1.A. head            B. face       C. nose       D. mouth

2.A. light           B. thick      C. little     D. ugly

3.A. showed          B. destroyed    C. left   D. offered

4.A. washes          B. changes     C. loses    D. dyes

5.A. thanks to       B. except for              C. as for  D. because of

6.A. picture         B. room       C. sky        D. mirror

7.A. confidence      B. belief     C. power      D. image 

8.A. speech          B. company    C. course         D. club

9.A. sell            B. produce    C. rent       D. order

10.A. supply         B. appreciate              C. allow    D. afford

11.A. recover        B. cover                   C. admit   D. contain

12.A. set up         B. put up     C. set down   D. put down

13.A. donated        B. imported  C. picked     D. valued

14.A. up             B. off        C. back       D. for

15.A. Besides        B. Therefore               C. Somehow      D. Otherwise

16.A. embarrassed    B. excited    C. happy      D. angry

17.A. hardly         B. badly      C. heavily    D. largely

18.A. frightened     B. strange    C. grateful   D. good

19.A. limit          B. exchange  C. improve    D. cut

20.A. doubt          B. tears      C. fear       D. joys



 In no way ______leave ______ little children alone.  

    A. we must; so      B. must we; such    C. must we; so          D. we must; such



 — What does the sign over there read?

— No person ______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, or pipe in this area.

A. will         B. must             C. may                  D. shall



 How long is it ______ we last spent the holiday in the country together?

A. until         B. before           C. since                D. that



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