满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

____ most children nowadays are the onl...

 ____ most children nowadays are the only chidren, they tend to be more self-centered.

A. Ever since           B. Now that         C. Only if          D. Even though



 —It’s a long journey. My car couldn’t make it.

—You can drive my car. It’s quite old, but it’s still pretty ____.

A. reliable         B. convenient           C. supportive           D. available



 The black furnishings in his house provide an interesting ____ to the white walls.

A. comparison           B. contrast         C. opposition           D. difference



 —What happened to the young trees we planted last week?

—The trees ____ well, but I ____ them.

A. might grow; hadn’t watered              B. needn’t have grown; didn’t water

C. would have grown; didn’t water              D. would grow; hadn’t watered



 —Clover, why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday?

—I ____, but something unexpected happened.

A. had              B. would            C. was going to         D. did



 The work is not very profitable ____ cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.

A. in terms of     B. according to         C. in relation to       D. in view of



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